A trouble zone fix. Get it in and get it done in just a few minutes. Wave goodbye to flab!
Routine by Michelle M. Freeman.
Your Plan:Takes only a few minutes and 2 sets is all you need.
You'll Need: Swiss ball, 8 - 15lb dumbbells, exercise mat, optional medicine ball, exercise band
Extreme Team,I've used these workouts at the end of a routine where I felt I needed an extra push or even before or after one of my morning runs. Just nice when I don't have a whole lot of time but want to work on some trouble zone areas.
Your trainer,
Triceps Power Pushup - 12 reps
- Place a large medicine ball on the floor and get in pushup position with the ball under your chest.
- Bend your arms to lower your chest to the ball. Push up forcefully so that your hands leave the floor, then land with your hands on the ball.
- Straighten your arms. Do a pushup with your hands on the ball, then drop your hands to the floor and repeat.
Note: The video shows the easier version or walking your hands off the ball and on instead of jumping your hands.

Band Lat Pulldown - 15 reps
- Stand with your feet hip-with apart.
- Grasp the center of a resistance band with both hands, about a foot apart, and extend your arms overhead.
- Bend your left arm, drawing your elbow down to the side; stop when you feel a stretch in the left side of your back
- Slowly extend your arm back overhead and repeat. When your set is through, repeat with your right arm.
Triceps Press with Medicine Ball or Free Weight - 15 reps
- Assume start position as shown by lying on ball.
- Make sure your head, neck, and shoulders are supported.
- Keep your upper arms still and bend at your elbows to bring medicine ball behind head.
- Return to start position and contract your triceps muscle.
Reverse Grip Deadlift Row -
20 reps
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides, palms facing up.
- Hinge forward from hips, pushing butt back as far as you can.
- Drive elbows behind you to bring dumbbells by ribs, palms up, shoulder blades squeezing together.
- Lower dumbbells toward floor, releasing shoulder blades so that they move away from each other.
- Return to start and repeat.
Dumbbell Knee Push-ups - 10 reps
Get on your knees with one hand curled around a dumbbell on the floor.
Keep your toes on the floor. Perform a push-up, keeping your back flat.
After one set, repeat with the other hand on the dumbbell.
Balance Row- 15 reps
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand on your right leg, extending your left leg up straight behind.
- Lever yourself forward until your body is flat, and contract your abs to keep yourself still.
- Squeeze your upper and mid back, bringing the right dumbbell up towards your ribs.
- Straighten your arm, and repeat before switching sides.
Side Plank with Triceps Extension
12 reps
Assume start position as shown by supporting your weight on your left forearm and sides of feet. Hold this position throughout the entire exercise.
Straighten out your arm and contract your triceps muscle.
Bend your elbow and return to start position.
______________________________________________________________________________ Tools You Need
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