Monday, May 7, 2012

Bubble Butt & Thighs Solver moves

Diagonal Leg 15 reps to Plusing Abductor 15 reps
Repeat this routine 2 times

  • Lie faceup on floor with knees bent, feet flat, hands on floor by hips.
  • Lift hips off floor and tuck left foot under right thigh, left knee pointing left.
  • Keeping hips lifted throughout, bring left knee out to left to untuck foot, then extend leg diagonally up to left.
  • Return left foot to tuck position. Do 20 reps. Switch sides and repeat. Do 2 sets.
  • Pulsing Abductor
  • Lie on your side with both feet together, toes pointing forward, using your arms to help fix your upper body position.
  • You may wish to lay your lower arm totally straight, and rest your head on this arm. 
  • Keeping your knees and toes pointing forward smoothly lift upper leg to a position of about 40 degrees.
  • Smoothly lift and lower the leg only a few inches in a controlled smooth pulsing movement.

    Note: If this is too easy add ankle weights to make it harder.
Single Sky Bridge 15 reps to PStep up & Kick back 15 reps
Repeat this routine 2 times

Single Sky Bridge

  • Lie faceup on floor with legs extended and heels resting on the seat of a chair, arms by sides, palms down.
  • Lift right leg straight over hip, foot flexed. Slowly lift hips off floor until body forms a straight line from left heel to left shoulder; lower.
  • Do 15 reps, keeping leg lifted, then lower butt to floor. Switch legs; repeat.
  • Step-Up, Kick-Back
  • Stand facing chair, feet hip-width apart, hands on hips.
  • Step onto seat with right foot and lift bent left knee to hip level in front of you.
  • Hinge forward slightly from waist and kick left leg behind you. Bring knee back to hip level as you straighten up.
  • Lower left foot to floor, step right foot off seat and lunge right leg behind you; repeat step-up.
  • Do 15 reps; switch legs and repeat

Carving Curtsy 20 reps to PStep up & Side Lunge to Knee LIft  20 reps
Repeat this routine 2 times

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, elbows bent by sides, hands in front of chest.
  • Lunge back with left leg, bringing left foot toward right and bending both knees 90 degrees into a curtsy; swing bent left arm forward, right arm back.
  • Stand up on right leg, bringing bent left knee directly out to side at hip level and tapping left hand on left knee.
  • Quickly return to curtsy lunge. Do 20 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
  • Side-Lunge Butt Kicker
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms by sides.
  • Lunge to right with right leg, keeping toes pointed forward and bending right knee 90 degrees. Hinge forward from hips and touch left hand to floor.
  • Push off right foot to stand on left leg as you bend right knee to bring foot toward butt, reaching left hand behind you to tap right foot. Quickly return to side lunge.
  • Do 20 reps. Switch legs and repeat.


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