Saturday, May 5, 2012

Level Up Interval Plyo

Level Up Interval Plyo. Feel the burn in your legs while experincing the power of your body with these hardcore exercises.

Static Lunge with a Twist 15 reps to Squat Swing 15 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

Standing Lunge with a TwistDumbbell High Swing
Targets: Butt, Legs, Core
  • Hold weight vertically in front of chest in both hands with elbows slightly bent, feet hip-distance apart.
  • Lunge forward with right leg, bending right knee 90 degrees (not shown).
  • Remain in lunge and twist to left.
  • Hold briefly, then twist to center.
  • Switch sides and repeat. That is one rep
  • Squat Swing
  • Straddle dumbbell positioned on its side with feet far apart and toes pointing slightly outward.
  • Squat down and grasp top of dumbbell with hand on each side.
  • Lift dumbbell from floor slightly with arms and low back straight.
  • With back straight, bend down slightly at hip.
  • When forearm makes contact with inner thigh, immediately extend hips while keeping back straight.
  • Allow dumbbell to rise upward overhead while extending hips and knees fully.
  • Return and allow dumbbell to fall forward and downward keeping arms and back straight. Bend knees when dumbbell falls below waist allowing dumbbell to swing between legs. Repeat.
Side Jump with a Twist 20 reps to Runner's Squat 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times


Lateral BoundRunner's Squat

  • Stand with feet close together.
  • Bend knees and hips slightly with arms bent to sides or to front.
  • Lift right foot up slightly off of floor.
  • Jump to far to right side and land right foot with left foot off of ground.
  • Jump far to left side landing on right foot. Continue to bound from side to side
  • Runner's Squat
  • Holding 3- to 5 pound dumbbells, stand tall with feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift right heel behind you while bending elbows 90 degrees.
  • Bend left knee into a squat, raising right arm forward and left arm back.
  • On the next rep, switch sides, lowering right leg.
  • Continue alternating legs as if you're running in slow motion.
Note: To make it easier, touch back toes to floor.

Low Side-Step 20 reps to Burpee 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times
Low Side StepBurpee PICTURE
  • Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides.
  • Step right foot a stride's length to right side, then squat down, bending both knees and raising arms in front of chest.
  • Stand up, moving left foot toward right foot, hip-distance apart, and lower arms.
  • Continue side-stepping and squatting to right for 10 reps, then side-step 10 reps to left.
  • Burpee to Low Squat Position 20 reps
  • Squat low with hands in front of your body
  • Place hands on ground in front of you.
  • Jump back into pushup position (if that is to hard on knees you may step one foot at a time.)
  • Jump back up into a low squat ( if that is too hard on knees you may step one foot at a time.)
  • Repeat.
Note: If Burpees become to hard step back into your burpee and step forward.

Step Side Step 20 reps to Ab Slid 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

low-box-lateral-shuffle.jpgMagic Carpet Ride exercise
  • Stand with your left foot on a low box (or step) and your right foot on the floor about two feet to the right of the box.
  • Bend your knees slightly, keep your chest up, and bend your arms 90 degrees, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Push off your left foot and jump to your left, landing with your right foot on the box and your left foot on the floor, knees bent.
  • Push off your right foot to jump back to the starting position.
  • That's one rep.
  • Ab Slid 20 reps
  • Start on an uncarpeted floor in full push-up position, balancing on hands and toes, arms extended, a folded towel underneath feet.
  • Contract abs and bring knees in toward chest.
  • Hold for one count, then return to start. Do 3 sets of 10 reps, resting 45 seconds between sets.
Note: If its too hatd keep legs straight and lift hips high to bring feet toward hands.

Split Jumps - 8 reps to Punch - Jab - kick 10 reps each side
Repeat this routine 3 times

  • Stand with your feet in a staggered stance, left foot in front of your right, two or three feet apart. Lower your body into a split squat.
  • Quickly jump up and scissor-kick your legs so that you land with your right leg forward. As soon as your feet land, lower your body into a split squat. That's one rep.
  • Repeat
Note If jumping starts to become to hard step lunge backwards alternating left and right.
  • Jab - kick 10 reps each side
  • Stand with legs staggered hip-width apart, left foot forward, knees soft, fists near chin.
  • Punch left arm forward and retract; punch right arm forward and retract, then kick left leg forward (as shown) and retract.
  •  Do 10 reps. Switch legs; repeat for one set

Plank Lift - 20 reps

Plank Lift (b)
  • Begin facedown, balancing on elbows and toes with body in a straight line, abs tight.
  • Keeping legs straight, lift hips toward ceiling, forming an inverted V. Lower to start position. Continue lifting and lowering hips for 30 seconds, then hold the straight plank position for 20 reps. 

One-Legged Hop - 20 reps to Single-Leg Opposite-Arm Reach 20 reps each side
Repeat this routine 3 times

one-legged hopsingle-leg opposite-arm reach

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, abs engaged.
  • Lift right knee to about 90 degrees, bringing left arm behind you and right arm in front.
  • Hop forward off left foot, landing on right foot with slight bend in knee, left knee bent 90 degrees.
  • Hold here, balancing, for 1 counts. Do 20 reps.
  • Single-Leg Opposite-Arm Reach
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, abs engaged, left hand on hip.
  • Lift left knee up to 90 degrees in front of you. Lean forward slightly as you reach right arm in front of you and push left foot behind you.
  • Hold for 1 count. Pull both back in. Do 20 reps.
  • Switch sides; repeat.

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