Standing Russian Twist - 30 reps to Plyo Side Planks - 30 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times
- Grab a medicine ball and sit on the floor.
- Lean back at a 45-degree angle, raise your legs and feet off the floor, and hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest, your arms straight.
- Without dropping your legs or arms, rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the right.
- Then reverse direction, rotating all the way to the left.
- That's 1 repetition.
- Repeat
- Plyo Side Planks
- Lie on your left side and prop your upper body up on your left forearm.
- Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.
- Lift your top leg and swing it forward and backwards using an even tempo. Your goals are to resist the momentum of your leg and to maintain a stable torso.
- Do all your reps on one side and then repeat on the other side. That’s 1 set.
Repeat this routine 3 times
- Begin in the plank pose and bend your knees, squatting down as if you're about to play leapfrog. This is the start position.
- Hop both feet over to the right of your right hand, hop them back to the start position, and quickly hop them to the left of your left hand. Then hop back to the start position. That's 1 set.
- Bounce as fast as you can, off the balls of your feet, for 30 reps
- Bird Dog Gets Down
- Start on mat on all fours, then tuck toes under and press hips back and up as you step back to form an upside-down V; lift right leg behind you.
- With right leg lifted, shift body forward to come into full push-up position, shoulders over wrists. Hold for one count; return to start.
- Do 20 reps; switch sides
Plank V Jumps - 30 reps to Wood Choppers - 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times
- With a medicine ball in your hands, perform a jumping jack, lifting the ball straight overhead when your feet jump apart and bringing the ball straight out in front of you when your feet jump together.
- Wood Choppers
- Stand holding medicine ball with hands on each side of ball. Place feet wide apart pointing outward slightly. Bend knees slightly.
- Raise ball to side of head with arms bent.
- Bring ball downward diagonally around front of body to side of opposite hip by rotating torso and bending forward slightly while pulling ball across body.
- Immediately return to original position in opposite path by rotating and bring torso back upright while pulling ball to side of head.
- Repeat chops after finishing 20 reps switch sides and repeat.
Repeat this routine 3 times
- Lie on your back. Bring your knees towards your chest and grab your shins.
- Brace your abs. As you lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor, extend your legs.
- Hover your legs hovering over the floor and straighten your arms over your head with your palms up.
- Bring your knees back up to your chest and grab your legs again. That’s 1 rep.
- Sitting Oblique Twist - 30 reps
- Sit on the floor with your legs straight, and hold a medicine ball with both hands just above your lap.
- Twist your torso to the right and place the ball behind you.
- Then twist all the way to your left and pick the ball up and bring it back to the starting position.
- That's 1 repetition.
- Repeat
Repeat this routine 3 times
- Grab a medicine ball, lie on your back, and raise your legs so they're straight and perpendicular to the floor.
- Hold the ball above the top of your head with your arms straight.
- Without moving your legs or bending your elbows, simultaneously lift your arms and torso until the ball touches your toes.
- Lower yourself back to the starting position.
- That's 1 repetition.
- Repeat
- Reverse crunch - 30 reps
- Lie on back, legs raised with knees bent 90 degrees.
- Squeeze a sports ball (or folded towel) between knees and rest arms at sides.
- Contract abs to curl hips off floor (as shown).
- Slowly lower hips for one rep.
- Repeat
Straight Jumps - 20 reps to Medicine Ball Situp - 30 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times
- Stand with feet together. Bend knees so that buttocks are slightly lowered. Keep back straight and arms straight down.
- Jump high up into the air, powering yourself up with arms. Land with knees bent and arms down and continue jumping.
- Medicine Ball Situp - 30 reps
- Grab a medicine ball with both hands and lie on your back on the floor.
- Bend your knees 90 degrees, place your feet flat on the floor, and hold the medicine ball against your chest.
- Now perform a classic situp by raising your torso into a sitting position.
- Lower it back to the start.
- That's 1 repetition.
- Repeat
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