It's hard to live in your own skin when you feel bumpy. We shouldn't have to stand for it and I will tell you how to decrease cellulite and bring your skin back to a smooth more beautiful appearance. 80% of people battle with cellulite everyday but you don't have to be apart of that percentage anymore!
Jodi Sawyer, Rn says " The number-one cause of cellulite is gender – that would be all of us beautiful females. It has to do with our production of estrogen, and it doesn't matter what size you are; if you are female, you can still get cellulite even if you’re thin. Cellulite is caused by fat deposits just below the skin's surface. It typically begins after puberty and can make us feel less attractive or embarrassed. As we know, cellulite tends to target the upper thighs, stomach, buttocks and even the upper arms. Cellulite gives the skin that dimpled, unattractive, orange-peel appearance."
Because of the hormones women have we, more often then men see signs of cellulite on our bodies.
Causes: Poor diet high in salt and carbs.
Helpful for treating Cellulite: fruits, vegetables and fiber.
Exercise regularly and get on a good exercise program so you don't fall off the wagon.
Jodi Sawyer, RN says, "The Vela Shape II laser targets cellulite without being invasive, shrinking fat cells with no downtime, risk of infection or pain."
The precise heating ensures a safe, effective, fast treatment with no downtime.
Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers.
Vacuum and specially designed rollers for the Mechanical Massage smooth out the skin to facilitate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. The net result increases the metabolism of stored energy, increases lymphatic drainage and reduces or shrinks the size of the actual fat cells and fat chambers.
The result:
- Gradual smoothing of skin's surface with a noticeable reduction in cellulite
- Circumferential Reduction, with noticeable reshaping of the treated area
The average number of Vela treatments needed is five to six, spaced one week apart, and the cost can range from $175 to $600 per treatment session, depending on the area(s) being treated. It is also FDA-approved. This laser treatment is not a permanent or perfect fix, but with proper diet and exercise, the results of smoother, tighter-looking skin can last over a year, and most enjoy doing maintenance.
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