Get your beach body now, Get your dream body Challenges
You'll need: the outdoors, treadmill, or exercise trampoline for these workouts.
Day 1:
Dive Bomber Push-up - 8-15 reps![](//
Move from a Downward Dog position with wide hands and feet to an Upward Dog position (the exercise simulates going back and forth underneath a fence). To modify, do these on your knees. Do 8-15 reps
Push-up & Hold- 8 -15 reps then hold 30 sec
Get in plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do 8-15 push ups and lower your chest until it's six inches from the floor. Hold 30 sec.
MOVE IT: You can do any one of these for cardio.
- Outdoors Run
- Treadmill
- Trampoline
- Quickly in Running Speed 30 seconds,
- Quickly in Sprinting Speed 30 seconds.
- Repeat for 3 sets
In-and-Out Lunge-15 reps each side
Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. Lunge left leg forward diagonally toward left and lower hips until left thigh is parallel to ground. Press through left heel to stand and repeat with right leg, lunging diagonally toward right. Do diagonal lunges, alternating legs when finished with reps pull forward leg back to standing position.
Wall Squat- 2 minute hold
Stand with your head and back against a wall. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, about 18 inches from the wall, and keep your arms at your sides Lower your body into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold 2 minutes
MOVE IT: You can do any one of these for cardio.
- Outdoors Run
- Treadmill
- Trampoline
- Quickly in Running Speed 30 seconds,
- Quickly in Sprinting Speed 30 seconds.
- Repeat for 3 sets
Day 2: Perform 2 doubles of pullups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of swings and sprints. Aim for 8 pullups and 20 swings. Day 3: Do 2 doubles of pushups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of squats and sprints. Perform 12 pushups and 20 squats.
Day 3: Running (WRITE IT OUT FROM OLDER RUNS) Just put links to these days
Day 4: Running Challenges
Day 5: Running Challenges
A triple is an upper-body exercise followed immediately by a lower-body exercise and then chased with a sprint. For sprints, charge hard for 8 to 15 seconds and then return to the start. Do a total of 6 triples in each workout, resting 60 seconds between triples.
Day 1: Perform 20 squats followed by 12 pushups, and then sprint.
Day 2: Do 25 dumbbell swings followed by 12 clean and presses, and a sprint.
Day 3: Perform 25 reps of the front squat to push press, and a sprint. Then drop down for 20 pushups.
Day 4: Running Challenges
Day 5: Running Challenges
Week 4 Here are two of the Marine fitness challenges. Rest at least a day between them. Begin each session with the side bridge and plank (pushup position, but on your elbows). Hold each move for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. Marine Challenge 1 Go for a quarter-mile run. This will be your sprint distance for your doubles. For your first double, do 15 reps of the clean and press, and then run. Next, do another double of 20 deadlifts followed by a run. Finish with a double of 25 squats, and then run. Try it again in a month, with the goal of beating your total time by at least 1 minute. Marine Challenge 2 Perform 20 dumbbell swings immediately followed by 20 pushups. That's a superset. Do as many supersets as you can in 20 minutes. Repeat the challenge after 4 weeks, and try to complete an additional superset. 1. Sandbag Squat Grab a heavy dumbbell (marines use sandbags) and stand holding it vertically, by one end, against your chest. With your elbows pointing down, bend at the hips and knees to lower your body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Return to the start. 2. Sandbag Deadlift Stand holding a heavy dumbbell (or sandbag) with both hands under the top of the weight and your arms hanging down in front of you. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. Next, lower your body until the weight touches the floor. Now stand up again. 3. Dumbbell Clean and Press From the starting position (A), dip your hips and explode upward, pulling the weights up. As the weights come close to your chest, dip under and "catch" them on top of your shoulders. Stand, press the weights overhead, and then reverse the move. 4. Dumbbell Swing Stand holding a dumbbell with both hands. Push your hips back and lower the weight between your legs until it's under your butt. Drive back up to a standing position and swing the weight up, keeping your arms straight. Return to the starting position. 5. Pullup Grab a chinup bar with an overhand grip (palms forward) and your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Hang with your arms straight and pull your shoulder blades down. Pull yourself up, and then lower back to the starting position. 6. Front Squat to Push Press Stand holding a barbell across the front of your shoulders and bring your elbows forward. Push your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body. Now quickly stand back up while pushing the bar above your head until your arms are fully extended. Lower the weight. That's 1 rep. 7. Pushup Assume the classic pushup position (legs straight, hands beneath your shoulders). Keeping your body rigid, bend your arms to lower yourself until your chest is just off the floor. Push back up until your arms are extended. 8. Side Bridge Lie on your side with your forearm on the floor under your shoulder and your feet stacked. Contract your glutes and abs. Push your hips off the floor, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder and keeping your head in line with your spine. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Read more at Men's Health: Read more at Men's Health: Read more at Men's Health: