Thursday, March 29, 2012

WEEK 4 Power Walking - Weight Loss Program

Here you are at the half way point. It's been very enjoyable for me to walk and feel good about it. This week you will be pushing yourself so do what you can with the time you have and GO, GO, Go for that walk.

DAY 1 50 minutes walk.
Listen to your upbeat music today and make sure to keep your at moderate to fast pace. Make sure to warm-up, cooldown and stretch at the end.

DAY 2 45 minutes speed intervals

Warm-up 5 minutes
Steady pace 5 minutes
Fast pace 2 minutes
Fastest pace 90 seconds
Slow pace 1 minutes
Repeat from steady pace through slow pace 3 times
Cooldown 5 minutes

Walk at a comfortable pace to finish 2 miles.

DAY 4 55 minutes upbeat walk
Get your music pumping and every song that moves you go faster and every song that slows you down go slow. This is a fun, fun day.

DAY 5 Interval Workout Walk with Abs workout

Warm-up 5 minutes
Steady pace 5 minutes
Fast pace 2 minutes
Side Crunch 20 reps (workout below)
Steady pace 5 minutes
Oblique Twist 20 reps (workout below)
Slow pace 2 minutes
Steady pace 5 minutes
Repeat from steady pace through 1 more times
Cooldown 5 minutes

Side Crunch 20 reps
Lay on the floor as if you were doing regular crunches. Starting at your waist, turn your legs completely to the left side. Place your hands behind your head for support. Lift your head up slightly off the ground as if you were doing a regular crunch. Lower your head back down so it almost touches the ground.

Tip: To avoid bending your neck forward and straining it, try keeping your eyes on the ceiling while doing the crunches.

Oblique Twist 20 reps

Sit up with feet flat on the floor, and lean back approximately 45 degrees. Keep your shoulders down and chest open as you begin to twist from the core, side to side. Want even more of a challenge? Lift your feet off of the floor! p.s. you don't need weight to do this workout. Just move your arms side to side.

DAY 6 45 minutes speed intervals

Warm-up 5 minutes
Steady pace 5 minutes
Fast pace 2 minutes
Fastest pace 90 seconds
Slow pace 1 minutes
Repeat from steady pace through slow pace 3 times
Cooldown 5 minutes


Other post you might enjoy :

Power Walking - Weight Loss Program

Top 10 Best Athletic Shoes for Walking

5% Faster Run Time While Using 6% Less Energy

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Weekly Workout Routine

Want to look amazing in that dress? Need a plan to slim and tone your body before prom? Here it is!! I designed this just for you ladies. These are fun 15 to 30 minute workouts that you can do from home, in the gym or with your friends.

3 routines to transform your body into a slimmer you.

Weekly Workout Plan:
You should be doing every workout day with cardio at the end if possible, walking, running, jumping rope, riding a bike for atleast 30 or more minutes.

1. Ablicious - slim your waist line in 15 minutes
2. Tight Tush - it hurts so good 30 minute lower body workout
3. Toning Maddness - Upper body workout

Use the order that the workouts are in 1, 2 and 3 like days and keep repeating them. Take 1 to 2 days off for recovery but that's all. Keep repeating until your prom. I have also added a bonus routine you can add any time you want to kick it up a notch.
Extreme Kickboxing with VIDEO

Dress For Less:
Prom Dresses Under $100

Toning Maddness

Getting ready for the prom or just getting in shape for summer this is a great upper body workout.

Warm-up: Make sure to do a quick 5 minute warm up. March in place, run in place, do some jumping jacks or jump rope. Just get the blood pumping before starting your workout.

Tools: exercise band, exercise matt, exercise ball, free weights

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and repeat before move on to the second circuit.

Lat pulldown -15 reps
Band Upright Row- 15 reps
One Arm Cross Body Curl - 12 reps
Diamond Pushups - 12 reps

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the second circuit rest 1 minute and repeat.

One-Arm Incline Triceps Extensions - 12 reps
Dive Bomber Push-up - 12 reps
Shoulder Press - 12 reps
In & Out Bicep Curl - 12 reps
Reverse Fly - 12 reps

Bonus ROUND!
Repeat strength circuit 1 & 2 one more time, this time without their own repeats.
Lat pulldown -15 reps
Band Upright Row- 15 reps
One Arm Cross Body Curl - 12 reps
Diamond Pushups - 12 reps

One-Arm Incline Triceps Extensions - 12 reps
Dive Bomber Push-up - 12 reps
Shoulder Press - 12 reps
In & Out Bicep Curl - 12 reps
Reverse Fly - 12 reps

Lat pulldown -15 reps
Stand with your feet hip-with apart. Grasp the center of a resistance band with both hands, about a foot apart, and extend your arms overhead. Bend your left arm, drawing your elbow down to the side; stop when you feel a stretch in the left side of your back Slowly extend your arm back overhead and repeat. When your set is through, repeat with your right arm.

Band Upright Row - 15 reps
Stand with left foot forward and place a band under left foot. Place handle in each hand and leading with your elbows, pull the band upward until the handles reach your shoulders. Extend your arms back to the starting position to complete one rep. Repeat

One Arm Cross Body Curl - 12 reps
Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand. Your hands should be down at your side with your palms facing in. While keeping your palms facing in and without twisting your arm, curl the dumbbell of the right arm up towards your left shoulder as you exhale. Touch the top of the dumbbell to your shoulder and hold the contraction for a second. Slowly lower the dumbbell along the same path as you inhale and then repeat the same movement for the left arm. Continue alternating in this fashion until the recommended amount of repetitions is performed for each arm.

Diamond Pushups - 12 reps

  • Kneel down on an exercise mat.
  • Extend your legs out behind you with your toes touching the ground, distributing your weight between your hands and toes.
  • Keep your head aligned with your spine and tighten your abdominal, quadriceps, glutes and lower back muscles. This will ensure your back stays straight.
  • Exhale as you lower yourself to the mat, making sure to keep your head and body straight. Go as low as you possibly can, but not so low that you can not push yourself back up. Inhale as you push upward until your arms are fully extended.
  • Do as many repetitions as you can while keeping proper form.
Tips: If this exercise is too challenging as described, try positioning your hands apart so that your index and thumbs are not touching. If you are having a problem with balance, spread your legs about shoulder width apart for more stability.

One-Arm Incline Triceps Extensions - 12 reps

  • Lie with your left side on the ball, lower leg down on the floor for balance and the right leg extended.
  • Hold a light-medium weight in the right hand and extend the arm straight up toward the ceiling.
  • Keeping the move slow and controlled, bend the elbow and lower the weight behind the head until the elbow is at 90 degrees.
  • Squeeze the triceps to straighten the arm, without locking the elbow.
  • Repeat on each side.
Dive Bomber Push-up - 12 reps

Move from a Downward Dog position with wide hands and feet to an Upward Dog position (the exercise simulates going back and forth underneath a fence).

Note: To modify, do these on your knees.

Shoulder Press - 12 reps
Press dumbbells upward until arms are extended overhead. Lower to sides of shoulders and repeat.

In & Out Bicep Curl - 12 reps
Standard curl with palms up grip. Bring weights back down and turn forearms out to side for side curls. Bring weights back down. Rotate back and forth.

Reverse Fly - 12 reps
Use light-medium dumbbells and begin in a seated position, bent over with arms hanging down and weights under the knees. Try not to collapse on the legs but, instead, keep the back straight and the abs engaged. Lift the arms out to the sides, up to shoulder level, squeezing shoulder blades together. Keep the elbows slightly bent and only lift to shoulders. Return to start and repeat.


Tight Tush

Tighten you tush in just 30 minutes a day. If you want to really tone up add cardio at the end.

Warm-up: Make sure to do a quick 5 minute warm up. March in place, run in place, do some jumping jacks or jump rope. Just get the blood pumping before starting your workout.

Tools: free weights, exercise matt, step or chair, exercise ball

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and repeat again before move on to the second circuit.

In-and-Out Lunge - 15 reps
Dumbbell Side Lunge and Touch - 15 reps
High Step-up - 20 reps

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and repeat again.

X Jumps - 15 reps
Wall Squat - max time
Inner Thigh Squeeze - 30 reps
Fire Hydrant - 20 reps

Bonus ROUND!
Repeat strength circuit 1 & 2 one more time, this time without their own repeats.

In-and-Out Lunge - 15 reps
Dumbbell Side Lunge and Touch - 15 reps
High Step-up - 20 reps
X Jumps - 15 reps
Wall Squat - max time
Inner Thigh Squeeze - 30 reps
Fire Hydrant - 20 reps

In-and-Out Lunge - 15 reps
Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. Lunge left leg forward diagonally toward left and lower hips until left thigh is parallel to ground. Press through left heel to stand and repeat with right leg, lunging diagonally toward right. Do diagonal lunges, alternating legs. 15 reps each leg.

Dumbbell Side Lunge and Touch - 15 reps

Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length at your sides. Take a big step to your left and lower your body by pushing your hips backward and bending your left knee. As you lower your body, bend forward at your hips and touch the dumbbells to the floor. Repeat for all reps, and then switch to your right leg. 15 reps each leg

Note: If the exercise is too hard, do the move without the dumbbells; just reach for the floor with your hands.

High Step-up - 20 reps
Stand facing a bench or step that's about knee height. Lift your left foot and place it firmly on the bench, push down with your left heel, and push your body upward until your left leg is straight and your right foot hangs off the bench. Lower yourself back down. That's one rep. Do all reps on left leg, then do the same number of reps with your right leg.

X Jumps - 15 reps
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms down. Squat, leaning torso forward and extending arms behind you, palms facing ceiling. Explode up, reaching arms and legs wide. Land with knees soft, feet hip-width apart, and squat low again.

Wall Squat - max hold

Stand with your head and back against a wall. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, about 18 inches from the wall, and keep your arms at your sides Lower your body into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold for as long as you can.

Inner Thigh Squeeze - 30 reps

Lie down and lift the legs off the floor, placing an exercise ball (or some other type of ball) between the knees/shins. Squeeze the ball lightly to keep it from dropping and put the hands on the floor for more support. Slowly squeeze the ball, contracting the inner thighs. Release just slightly, keeping some tension on the ball. 30 reps

Fire Hydrant - 20 reps

Start on all fours (hands under shoulders, knees under hips) with abs engaged and back flat. Keeping upper body still, lift bent right knee out to side at hip level. 20 reps each leg


Top Fitness Games for PS3 Move, Xbox, Kinect, and Wii

Anything that gets your mind of working out is good. I love these games and here are my top picks for the best games to get in shape, dancing fighting, playing sports..

Top 10 Teen Magazines

Magazines with fitness, fashion and gossip. What more could you ask for? LOVE IT!


Tone your abs in just 15 minutes a day. Add it in every day or every other day and see the results of your flat, tight and tonned tummy. This workout burns my abs and I love that feeling. The feeling of muscles at work and fat on the run!

Warm-up: Make sure to do a quick 5 minute warm up. March in place, run in place, do some jumping jacks or jump rope. Just get the blood pumping before starting your workout.

Tools: exercise matt, ball, kettlebell

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and repeat before move on to the second circuit.

Lateral Burpee - 20 reps
Swiss-ball plank - 6 reps
X Abs - 25 reps

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the second circuit rest 1 minute. Repeat strength circuit 2 one more time.

Oblique Twist 20 reps
Bicycle - 30 reps
Sit-Up-and-Reach - 20 reps

Bonus ROUND!
Repeat strength circuit 1 & 2 one more time, this time without their own repeats.

Lateral Burpee - 20 reps
Swiss-ball plank - 6 reps
X Abs - 25 reps

Oblique Twist 20 reps
Bicycle - 30 reps
Sit-Up-and-Reach - 20 reps
Lateral Burpee - 20 reps

Stand with feet hip-width apart. Jump up, then crouch, placing hands on floor under shoulders. Jump feet out to left side. Hop feet back to center, then jump straight up and return to crouch position. Repeat on opposite side for one rep. Continue, alternating sides, for 20 reps.

Swiss-ball plank - 6 reps
Begin in the same position as for the plank, but rest your forearms on a Swiss ball. Once you feel balanced, raise one foot a few inches off the floor and hold for 6 seconds. Place the foot back on the floor and lift the other for 6 seconds. That's one repetition. Do a total of six.

X Abs - 25 reps
Sit with back at a 45-degree angle, knees bent, feet 6 inches off ground, holding knees with both hands to start. Hold for two seconds, then release knees, extending legs and arms (as shown) for two seconds. Return to start for one rep. Continue for 25 reps.
Oblique Twist - 20 reps
Sit up with feet flat on the floor, and lean back approximately 45 degrees. Keep your shoulders down and chest open as you begin to twist from the core, side to side. Repeat
Note: Want even more of a challenge? Lift your feet off of the floor!

Bicycle - 30 reps
Lie on the floor and lace your fingers behind your head. Bring the knees in towards the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck. Straighten the left leg out while simultaneously turning the upper body to the right, taking the left elbow towards the right knee. Switch sides, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Continue alternating sides for all 20 reps.
Sit-Up-and-Reach -  20 reps

Lie on your back holding a dumbbell in both hands with your arms straight, pointing towards the ceiling, and your legs straight out in front of you. Sit up as far as you can, keeping your arms pointing straight up throughout. Lie back down under control and repeat 20 reps.


Prom Dresses Under $100

These are all my favorites for prom. I also included, heels, clutches, my hair extensions, and earrings.


Hair Extensions:





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