Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Your Body Type, Your Diet Plan

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 The healthy eating plan I have listed below has a high calorie count for those who are exercising and need to lose weight.

A frame 

To lose inches you must watch your fat intake. Your body can store fat easy but it takes a lot more energy to store carbs and protein, because of this, you're more likely to burn those calories off. A diet rich in complex carbohydrates, such as whole-grain cereals, lentils and beans; lean protein, such as chicken or fish; and fruits and veggies will help melt off excess pounds.
1,500 calories: 750 calories from carbohydrates, 375 calories from fat, 375 calories from protein

Meal Idea (this is what a day could look like)
1 serving of home made oat meal.

Not instant oatmeal. (instant will have sugar already in it and you want to add your own honey or sugar to watch your intake)
1 medium banana

6 wheat crackers
1 mozzarella cheese stick

Sandwich: 2 slices whole wheat bread or flax seed bread with 1 teaspoon light safflower mayonnaise, 2 ounces lean deli roast beef, 1 slice reduced-fat cheese, lettuce and tomato
5 baby carrots
10 celery sticks
1/2 cup grapes

1 cup coconut yogurt or light yogurt with 1 cup blueberries

4 ounces skinless, boneless chicken breast, grilled and topped with a salsa made of 1/2 cup black beans and 1/4 cup diced tomatoes
1 cup steamed green beans
1 cup mixed green salad and 2 tablespoons shredded low-fat cheese tossed with 1 tablespoon low-fat dressing
1 whole wheat roll

1 almond milk chocolate pudding cup or low fat organic chocolate pudding cup.

Oval frame

Your plan will be high in healthy fats and lower in carbs. Heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, found in nuts, avocados, and olive oil, has been shown to decrease inflammation, which has been linked to disease, while increasing your body's ability to burn fat. Carbohydrates, even the whole-grain kind, raise insulin levels in the body.

1,500 calories: 600 calories from carbohydrates, 525 calories from fat, 375 calories from protein

Meal Idea (this is what a day could look like)

1 egg, scrambled with 1/4 cup spinach and 2 tablespoons mozzarella cheese
1 slice turkey bacon
1 slice whole wheat toast with 1/2 teaspoon butter or skip it the butter.

1 small apple
1 tablespoon almond butter

Salad: 2 cups mixed greens, 1 tomato, 2 ounces sliced cooked skinless chicken breast, 1 hard-cooked egg, 1/2 avocado, 1 tablespoon reduced-fat feta cheese tossed with 2 tablespoons reduced-fat Italian dressing
6 whole wheat crackers

1 small apple
1 piece string cheese

3-ounce chicken breast marinated in 1 tablespoon Italian dressing and grilled
1 small baked potato, with skin, topped with 1 tablespoon each light sour cream and chives
1/2 cup steamed broccoli with 1 teaspoon olive oil

1 cup coconut yogurt or light yogurt mixed with 2 tablespoons bran cereal and 1/2 cup frozen blueberries.

All Other Shapes

This plan is about eating for health. You will do well on a diet that incorporates healthy fats, which may decrease the risk of cardiovascular problems. I recommends eating fish, olive oil, nuts, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, veggies, and beans.

2,000 calories: 800 calories from carbohydrates, 700 calories from fat, 500 calories from protein

Meal Idea (this is what a day could look like)

Omelet made with 2 eggs and 1/4 cup each chopped mushrooms, bell peppers, and shredded mozzarella cheese
2 slices turkey bacon
1/2 whole wheat bagel with 1 teaspoon butter or skip that all together.

1/4 cup each raisins and almonds or one apple cut up with almond butter.

1 cup black bean dip with 14 whole wheat chips
Salad 2 cups spinach, 1/3 cup sliced veggies, 1 sliced hard-cooked egg, 1 chicken breast grilled and cut. 2 tablespoons vinaigrette dressing
1 cup high-fiber cereal
3/4 cup Coconut milk, almond milk or nonfat milk

4-ounce salmon fillet brushed with 1 teaspoon each honey and light soy sauce and grilled
1/2 cup cooked brown rice
1 cup mixed green salad with 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts and 1 tablespoon Italian dressing

1 cup coconut yogurt or light yogurt with strawberries


  1. What do you suggest for picky eaters? I gain most weight in my belly area and then my thighs and a little in the face. I have been a picky eater since I was little and tried going outside what I knew but that didn't work. Fish and seafood is a big thing that I just can't eat. Unless its tuna fish out of a can, I just can't eat it. I was never really into peppers or anything like that, but those I can tolerate if they are eaten with something else like on a sandwich.

  2. how would fish oil help lose belly fat.. would i just need to take the pill form?

  3. I believe I fall under the 8-frame body type. I love all the foods in the sample day you provided and eat them regularly but I find it hard to maintain eating well like this everyday simply because I don't know how to vary my diet in a healthy way. What are some good change out options for salmon and eggs? Is red meat like steak for dinner something to completely avoid?

    1. I understand. Red meat keep but once a week is best.

  4. What are good options if you are a vegetarian? I put flax seed oil in my müsli every day for breakfast as to get omega 3 and i take daily supplements but I find it difficult to eat enough protein.

  5. What should I do if I am allergy to fish? Meaning I can't eat fish and I can't take pills? I take a flax seed oil pill once a day but, I don't know of anything else I can do to supplement. Thanks


  6. What should I do while I'm still breastfeeding? I'm a "Heavy Ruler" right now and while I quickly lost the weight from my 11 month old, I'm working on what I never lost from her older sister. I work with a trainer 3 days a week.

    1. Not much you need to do but eat really healthy but dont diet. You burn soo many calories breast feeding that lowering your calories isnt great just eat good choices.

  7. Thank you for all of the great information. What do you recommend for those that are gluten intolerant? No bread or crackers.


  8. I gain weight mostly around my middle, then hips, arms, legs, etc. Would I be a 2000 calorie diet? Regardless of my current height/weight? Thank you, this looks amazing-starting tomorrow!!

  9. 5'9", 170#. I'd like to lose 20#.

  10. Hi Michelle! I'm 5'4 147 lbs, and I gain weight mostly in my butt/thighs, and then my waist, arms, etc. I would like to lose 15 lbs, and adopt a healthy balance of diet and fitness, so which diet would you suggest for me? :)

    P.s. I'm excited to start, and thank you in advance!

  11. Hi Michelle! First off, your blog is awesome!! Secondly, I'm 5'4 and 115 lbs and trying to gain some healthy weight/ muscle mass. Any suggestions on which diet to follow, how many calories, or any good protein supplements to use?

    1. If you are going to workout hard for an hr a day and are trying to build eat 2000 calories day. You can mix from 1500 on low workout days and 2000 to high workout days.

  12. Do you have any other recipe ideas for oval frames? Or can you point me in the right direction?

    1. Bake off sugars and drink green tea with lemon in water. salads, fruits, lean meat, whole wheat in small portions, and brown rice.

  13. I'm just looking to get in shape lose the extra fat. I weigh 120 and I'm just about 5' what's the beat for me?

    1. 1,500 calories: 750 calories from carbohydrates, 375 calories from fat, 375 calories from protein

  14. I gain weight mainly in my stomach. I run or do HIIT 2-3 times a week and do free weights and basic cardio 2 times a week. Which plan do I need to follow? I have been under a lot of stress lately and I have put on around 11 lbs that I want off by summer.

  15. I would start with 2000 calories but make sure you are working out for an hr. atleast 5 days a week.

  16. Hey,
    I'm 5"6 and 157lbs, by the end of July I would love to see myself around 125lbs. Within the last year I lost about 30lbs but those last ones are hard to get rid of.
    I do 60 min of treadmill, 5x a week on the highest incline and medium speed as well as weights. My problem area is my stomach.. Do you have any tips on calorie intake and diet? Any work out tips are much appreciated, too.
    Thanks heaps!
