Sunday, February 12, 2012

Extreme Leg and Butt Workout Lv1

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Yeah BABY! BRING IT. Can you taste the PAIN?? Can you picture the RESULTS!  It's worth the burn. It's worth the tears. Be a WARRIOR & don't give up!!

WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.

Note: Listen to your body at all times and if for some reason you can't keep up try harder next time. You are only trying to beat your best effort not everyone elses. So give it your best and if it doesn't mean finishing the 1 - 2 minutes that's ok. Try for longer next time.

Write how many reps you did in each exercise for the time stated. Keeping track will help you see how much you have improved.

TOOLS: dumbbell, towel and swiss ball

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the second circuit.

•Squat with Butt-Kick (2 min.)
•Single-Leg Squat with Towel (1 min. each leg)
•Single Leg Squat (1 min. each leg)
•X Jumps (2 min.)

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the third circuit.

•Wall Squat (2 min.)
•Jumping Lunges (2 min.)

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and move on to the first circuit. You will repeat 1 more time all Circuits with brakes in between as written.

•Single-Leg Calf Raise (1 min. each leg)
•Inner Thigh Squeeze (2 min.)
•Hip Lifts on the Ball (2 min)
•Fire Hydrant (1 min. each leg)

Squat with Butt-Kick

Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart. Sit back to a squat, bringing your fists close to your chin. Then bring your left leg straight behind you while extending your arms forward. Return to the squat position, then repeat on the other side. Continue alternating sides for two minute. As you squat, remember to keep your weight back on your heels. When extending the leg behind you, keep your hips square -- don't twist them toward the side.

Single-Leg Squat with Towel
Stand with your feet together and place your right foot on top of a folded towel. Shifting your weight to your left leg, slide the towel out slowly to your right. Then slowly return to the start position. Work this side for 1 minute, keeping your elbows bent and your fists together near your chin. When you squat, your left knee should bend between 45 and 90 degrees. After 1 minutes, switch legs and do the squats and slides for another 1 minute.

Single Leg Squat
Stand on your left leg. Lift your right out in front of you. Stand tall (don’t round your shoulders), and keep your left knee over your ankle as you lower down into a squat. Your hands can extend out for balance. Push into your heel to come back up and repeat. Start with shallow squats; go deeper as it becomes easier. After 1 minutes, switch legs and repeat.

X Jumps
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms down. Squat, leaning torso forward and extending arms behind you, palms facing ceiling. Explode up, reaching arms and legs wide. Land with knees soft, feet hip-width apart, and squat low again. Repeat as many times as you can for two minute. TAKE YOUR TIME


Wall Squat
Stand with your head and back against a wall. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, about 18 inches from the wall, and keep your arms at your sides Lower your body into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold 2 minutes

Jumping Lunges

This move is a 'jump lunge' and you do just as it says. Begin in the lunge position then jump switching your landing leg so that when you land, you lunge on your other leg. Repeat 2 minutes.


Single-Leg Calf Raise

Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and stand on a step, block, or 25-pound weight plate. Bend your right knee, and hold it that way as you perform the exercise. Cross your left foot behind your right ankle, and balance yourself on the ball of your right foot, with your right heel on the floor or hanging off a step. Put your left hand on something stable—a wall or weight stack, for instance. 1 minute each leg.

Inner Thigh Squeeze
Lie down and lift the legs off the floor, placing an exercise ball (or some other type of ball) between the knees/shins. Squeeze the ball lightly to keep it from dropping and put the hands on the floor for more support. Slowly squeeze the ball, contracting the inner thighs. Release just slightly, keeping some tension on the ball. Repeat 2 minutes

Hip Lifts on the Ball

Lie down and place the heels on the ball, keeping the legs straight. Squeeze the glutes and lift the hips up until the body is in a straight line. Keep the hands on the floor for more balance if needed. Release the hips down, barely touching the floor, and repeat 2 minutes.

Fire Hydrant
Start on all fours (hands under shoulders, knees under hips) with abs engaged and back flat. Keeping upper body still, lift bent right knee out to side at hip level. 1 minute each leg.

Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOL DOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cool down before hitting the showers.



  1. Are you suppose to do cardio(3mile run or similar) with this workout or just the exercises?

  2. Your welcome. Glad to have you on the team.

  3. Im going to feature this post on my blog right now. I am so insecure about my booty - I would do anything for it to be bigger lol. So im always looking for new ways to work it out. This looks killer.

  4. Love it! Don't have time to cardio today, but trust me, the rest of my day is pretty much cardio. I pushed my kids uphill while sledding yesterday, so my butt is really going to be feeling this!

  5. Burn, baby, burn! That's all I could think as I was doing this routine. My legs were burning, but in the best way possible. Fantastic exercises and I really felt pushed to do my best. I was able to complete all circuits as instructed, with one repeat. But I totally forget to count my reps! Whoops!

  6. Wow, that was a lot harder than I expected. I had a bit of learning the new moves but I did it! Now I feel the burn. Can't wait for tomorrow.

  7. Grace, so proud of . Keep me posted on your progress.

  8. OMG! What a workout. I ran 2 miles before and was able to do the circuits twice with a few more breaks than suggested. Great workout! Thanks, Michelle!!

  9. I did the circuit routine twice through, but I did not have time for cardio this AM. Can I split and do the cardio in the evening?

    1. You are doing great. Yes, split it up if you need to.

  10. way harder than i expected, but it was great! Did them this am at about 7, and not going to lie, my butt is pretty sore! Thanks for this - looking forward to the next 8 weeks (in a "i have a lot of pain ahead of me" way)! :)

  11. This kicked butt! Well worth it though i cant wait to see how everything turns out!

  12. How many times through should we do this?

  13. I made my roommate do it with me today and she's decided she's going to complete the 8 weeks with me. We definitely felt the burn!

    1. You both are awesome! Glad that you have each other. Rock it people!

  14. So glad I found your blog, your workouts and food/recipe ideas are great! I've lost 10 lbs. so far and I am ready for this 8 week program to knock more lbs. out of the way! Thank you so much for sharing your workouts!!

    1. Welcome Dacia to the Extreme team. I am happy to have someone so motivated on board. let me know if you need any help.

  15. I'm using your 8 week plan to motivate me to work out regularly instead of just once in a while. First work out down! Thanks!

  16. Your did great, so excited to hear more about your workouts

  17. any substitutes for the tools? i don't have a swiss ball at the moment.

    1. Inner thigh squeeze use a towel between knees rolled up. Hip lift on ball use the sofa.

  18. Day 1: Tough to get back into it! AND legs/butt are my least favorite to work out (because it's the hardest area for me) Made it through, although perhaps not the most graceful to watch :) onto day two...

    1. Molly, I know what you are talking about. Its funny when my husband comes in the room and says, what are you doing and I say, I didnt make it up this is a real exercise. Lol its what we look like when we are done that matters.

  19. I just completed this workout and am afraid to try to walk up my stairs! :) I have TOTAL jello legs, but it is a great feeling. With the warm-up and cool down, I burned just over 700 calories doing this. Can't wait for tomorrows workout! THANK YOU for making something that is easy to follow and doable at home with kids. Bikini here I come!!

  20. wow- my legs were shaking by the end of that! what a good lil workout :) thank you. so excited about this!

  21. Hey! I started the challenge today. My legs were shaking too at the end. The burn is such an amazing feeling, I love knowing my muscles are working hard! I created a vision board beforehand and I had my eyes on it nearly the whole time. It was a good motivator when I was starting to slow down.

    1. Great job! Is your vision board something you can send me? I would love to see it.

  22. I am so excited to start this program!!! My daughter and I will be starting in the morning !!

    1. Leah and daughter, welcome to the team. Keep me posted on how you are doing.

  23. I am very excited to start this tomorrow! Can I do my normal 30 min yoga on these days too?
    thanks for everything!

    1. Yes, totally fine. Keep up thr good work. Loving what I am hearing.

  24. I tried first time this morning I do Tracy Anderson method and Jillian Michaels 30 day shred as well as running a 5 k three times a week this kicked my butt my legs are still shaking cant wait to do more

  25. Okay so Im a freshman in college and Spring break is in two weeks...I love this workout it looks like it'll will kick my butt but my problem is FOOD....It's so hard to eat healthy in college....HELP:(

  26. Started this last night, and I must say I'm excited! I can't wait till the end! I'm ready to get my bikini body back!!

    1. Welcome to the team. Keep me posted. So excited for you.

  27. how much weight do you recommend for the dumb bells?

  28. Okay, so i found you on pinterest and decided to try this workout plan today and I don't think I can make it through a second round of circuits!! I have no more strength left in my legs, lol!

  29. I just started your bikini body program yesterday and normally just the top of my inner thighs touch but when i woke up today at least half of my inner thighs were touching, is it normal for this to happen?

    1. If you just started yesterday your muscles are a little swollen due to the workout and that will go away. Just stick with it. Your legs have no choice but to slim down in the end.

  30. I'm a little confused about the Single Leg Squat with Towel. When do you squat on the right leg? And how do you keep the weight on your left leg if your right leg is squatting? Help!!

  31. I just finished day 1 and I'm toast! However, I'm looking forward to tomorrow! :)

  32. Hey Michelle, I just finished this workout, and man, WHAT a workout! I'm a longtime runner who only recently started incorporating more consistent strength training into my exercise. I started seeing some results on my own, but I was looking for something more structured, so I'm really glad I found your site. I really appreciate all of the pictures showing the proper form, and that the workouts are very detailed yet easy to follow. Also, I'm a big fan that there's minimal equipment involved. Since I'm a vet student who spends most of my time either studying, in class, or in the anatomy lab, I don't have much time to do normal life activities (like working out), lol, so I think I will have to cut down my running to less frequency in order to get in these workouts. Luckily, it felt like there was some cardio in this workout. Question for you: which workouts in this 8 week plan do you think could be more easily combined with a quick 2-3 miler?

  33. Is there anything/exercises we can substitute for the ones that need a swiss ball, band, and the door hanging bar. I don't have these 3 things, so I was just wondering if you had any thing they can be substituted for?

  34. To clarify, when you refer to a set, do you mean going through each circuit once?

    On days when we don't do runs, did you intend for people doing these workouts to run through the circuits more than one time? I wasn't quite clear on that part. Thanks Michelle!

    1. Set means do each exercise once and circuit is a set of exercises. So if you ever have to do the circuit again you will have to repeat a set of each exercise again.

  35. I am so confused on how to do the single leg squat with towel. Can you give me more details on what I am supposed to do? Thank you!

  36. Amazing! I did this for the first time just now. I was actually able to *do* all the exercises, some of them were very difficult for me, but I made in through the warm-up and all the circuits once before the baby woke up from his nap. I am so proud of myself for actually making it as far as I did! I know it worked, I am already sore, sore, sore! But that it so good, good, good.

    1. So proud if you. Just keep doing it like that and it all will count.

  37. I just finished day one of the first week. Holy crap! My legs and butt were burning so bad, but it felt so good to finish it. I'm so excited to keep going. Thank you so much for this great program!

  38. I tried to talk myself out of doing the workout tonight, because I was flying all day. I still did it, though! My ankles and feet are really swollen today. Is there something I can do to get rid of that?

  39. I'm guessing it wouldn't burn as many calories, but can you split it up? Like, go through the circuits once in the morning and then in the evening (or naptime). I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old (that doesn't believe in sleeping at night), and I honestly don't have the motivation to wake up early to get this done before the kids wake up. I'm exhausted as it is, but I'm really trying to get my workout in.

  40. Did this workout last night at the gym. Holy crap! It kicked my butt but it felt awesome! I get bored doing the same workouts all the time so I am so excited that I found your site! I use your warm up and am doing the 8 week bikini challenge. I am a fairly fit person but I always love a new challenge and your are giving it to me! Thanks!!

  41. I don't think I'm out of shape or over weight, but I could only finish the first round. Should I stick with this work out plan or find something easier?

  42. I am starting the 8 week challenge on Sunday! My birthday is on Saturday, so I figured I better start after that!!! :) I hope it's not to late to start!! I am really pumped up and motivated to do the best that I can at this!! Any suggestions before I start?!

  43. I am starting the 8 week challenge on Sunday! My birthday is on Saturday, so I figured I better start after that!!! :) I hope it's not to late to start!! I am really pumped up and motivated to do the best that I can at this!! Any suggestions before I start?!

    1. Happy birthday! Welcome to the team. Keep me posted.

  44. Woo! I'm already sore

  45. First day for me!

    I have to admit those wall squuats almost killed me both times, but I finished them both, and the rest of the workout.

    Looking forward to day 2!

  46. Thanks Michelle. This workout kicked my butt for sure! I look forward to the rest:).

  47. Me and my roommate started yesterday with day 1 workouts!! We felt somewhat awkward doing the "towel slide" exercise and didn't feel like we were doing that right, however, everything else went very smoothly. Woke up sore this morning!!! We ran for about 5 minutes after the work out and walked for about 2 minutes for our cool down. We will keep you posted!! :) Thanks for posting this!! We are loving it!

  48. Love your blog! I am a new follower and can't wait to try this leg work out tonight at the gym!



  49. Just started the 8 week program today. My legs can already feel it!

  50. These workouts look AMAZING!!!! But I am just looking to tone my muscles more then anything. I bulk up and get muscle really easily (which I don't like). Would this workout be one that builds and bulks me more then just tones what me?

  51. Just curious, I'm almost done Week 1 but you don't mention specifically that any cardio needs to be done in addition to these workouts.

    So would you say some form of hard cardio before or after these workouts is a requirement or just recommended?

    And what kind of cardio/how much would you recommend if so?

  52. Hi Michelle. I love your website and I think your workouts are fantastic. I was wondering if you could breakdown each set into a recommended amount of reps as opposed to amount of time. It's just easier for me to do reps instead of having to keep track of time. Thanks!

  53. I just did the day #1 workout and WOW that's what i call a workout! But I have one question... would it screw up my 8 week challenge if I didn't exactly eat whats in your daily diet but i still ate healthy like salads, smoothies, etc?? Thanks so much!

  54. Totally kicked my tail today....and I loved it!!

    Looking forward to tomorrow. :)

  55. I am soo proud of u for keeping your promise to yourself and pushing through. Keep me posted.

  56. as an athlete, this workout still kicked my butt! my balance/ stability is not the greatest, i think this will really help. How many times to you suggest we go through each circuit set? I'm thinking two or three but I couldn't find anywhere where you specified. Thanks!

  57. How many times do you suggest we go through the circuit set?

  58. I just found this!! Starting tomorrow!!! Beach and I come!!!

  59. Im confused on the workouts. I see 3 circuits for day 1. Do all 3 one time through? why are they split up into 3 cicuits

    1. They are split up right now because of level 2 later. You go through it all twice.

  60. Just found this through Pinterest. Sitting at the offince and very motivated now, but hoping it continues when I get home! My lack of consistency in motivation is my worst enemy

  61. Michelle since the birth of my daughter, I have gained a lot of cellulite in my lower area and my hips have spread. Can this workout help me smooth the cellulite out? I'm very uncomfortable with it and will not wear short or skirts.

  62. LOVE THIS ROUTINE :D My favorites were the inner thigh squeeze with the ball and the last move: the fire hydrant! Awesome! I feel the burn & will still be feeling it tomorrow I am sure!

  63. WOW! Was not expecting this to be as hard as it was. Feeling great though!

  64. starting today! can't wait.

    1. Welcome to the Extreme Team. In support of u today I will do this workout too. Keep me posted.

  65. I can't wait to get started on this routine! My sister in law just finished and I have literally never see her look this good. I will finish this just in time for my week in Thailand!

  66. I can't wait to get started on this routine! My sister in law just finished and I have literally never see her look this good. I will finish this just in time for my week in Thailand!

  67. Just found this on pinterest! Between work and school it has been so hard for me to start a workout plan and stick to it. After reading over your website and comments from others I can honestly say I am motivated and I am starting this 8 week workout first thing in the morning! VERY excited! Thanks!

    1. Welcome to the extreme team. I am so happy to have you here. Keep me posted.

  68. wow! that was great. Michelle, this was one of the best at-home work outs i've tried. Thanks for the push and I look forward to the next 8 weeks!

  69. Oh my god. I just finished this and I'm pretty sure that I'm dying. haha. Just kidding! Can't wait to do the rest of this program to get ready for the beach this summer!

  70. Michelle,
    Ok, I just started the 8 week challenge this morning. And as I sit here and type I'm huffing and puffing trying to catch my breath.

    Should I have felt like I was about to die on the first day? LOL

    I didn't give up and went through all three circuits but it was difficult and really slow at times.

    Is this normal? I do hot yoga a few times a week and run occasionally, but this morning you would think I'm a couch potato and don't do anything!! Whew!

  71. Started today with my is actually in 7 weeks but hey why not get started anyway!!!

    Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Congrats to you both on your wedding. I love that you are teaming up. Take pictures of your progress. And wedding day I would love to see to. So excited for you both.

  72. It's my first day!!! So excited to get started. I'm just a little outta shape and wanting not to be self conscience about my body this summer! Thanks for this workout seems like alot but I'm pushing myself for the goal.

    1. Welcome to the team. Stick with it and you will see results. Remember listen to your body and if you feel like something is too hard then do what you can and try for more next time.

  73. So great I finally found something that is step by step . your a GENIUS

  74. I am starting this Monday! I was wondering, do I need to do this everyday? What do you suggest?

  75. I'm so glad I found this, but I just started this week and there is only 3 weeks till my dance that I want to be in shape for.. what should I do?

  76. Just started this program and am super excited for it to whip me into shape! Oh man that was intense, my legs feel like jell-o!

    1. Kyla, welcome to the Extreme Team. Keep me posted.

  77. What a fabulous resource! This is one of my new favorite blogs. I can't believe you have a day by day schedule complete with pictures and descriptions. THANK YOU! (and my sore thighs also thank you this morning)
