Monday, February 6, 2012

3 Rules to Lose Belly Fat Fast

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I had a good question asked to me about belly fat and how to get rid of it. It is one of those areas that seems to most very hard to lose. Follow the following rules and you will see success.

RULE 1: Avoid or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates on most days.
This type of carbohydrate is the major cause of insulin resistance, fat accumulating around the stomach or abdomen, unwanted weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases. You can find a list of refined processed carbohydrates awaiting you at the bottom of this page.

RULE 2: The exception is a once-a-week cheat day. For at least one or two meals on that day, it's best to consume some [high gylcemic index] carbs and fat. 
Please do not continue to eat until you feel stuffed. Stop eating when your hunger disappears.

RULE 3: To lose belly fat fast, I recommend both cardio and strength training.

It takes about 20 minutes to begin burning fat, your mild fitness exercise should last longer than 30 minutes to ensure that you are burning fat.

You should keep your heart rate between 60 and 65% of its maximum while exercising.
Refined processed carbohydrate (or concentrated carbohydrate) foods are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, and many other diet related diseases. Although this is not a complete list, refined processed carbohydrates are such things as:

  • all sugars
  • all products containing sugar
  • foods containing corn syrup
  • sodas
  • sugary drinks
  • cordials
  • breads
  • rolls
  • wraps
  • buns
  • cookies
  • pasta
  • biscuits
  • ice cream
  • tacos
  • fries/chips
  • potato chips/crisps
  • nibbles/savory snacks
  • corn chips
  • popcorn
  • pasta
  • pizza
  • pastry
  • pastries
  • pasty/pastie
  • pies
  • dumplings
  • batter
  • cakes
  • most desserts
  • puddings
  • candy/toffee/sweets
  • chocolate
  • cereals
  • store bought cooked meats/cold cuts (when they have added sugars and additives)
  • sausages/hot dog frankfurters (when they contain carb fillers, additives, or sugar)
  • jams
  • jelly
  • sugar sweetened jello


  1. Great article, where's the link for processed carbs?

  2. WildChildT, Sorry about that. I added it to the bottom of the page.

  3. WOW thats everything out there! :) I try really hard not to eat a lot of carbs or sugar but that list makes me feel like I eat tons and dont realize it :(

    1. Its ok. just back off of it with small portions and eliminate them at night for sure. Hugs

  4. I am just getting started, I really want to get fit and lose the fat that tends to hand around my belly. I want to look great this summer in a bathingsuit (I NEVER wear a two piece) and this year I WANT to be comfortable infront of people this summer ....any tips to help me get started?

  5. Hi Michelle .. I have ALOT of weight to lose .. w/belly, hips & tops of legs probably being my worst, but also hate my arms too. Where do I start? I am 52 and want to finally get healthy, lose weight and feel good about myself. Can you direct me?

  6. Thank you ~ I will start there. What about nutrition? Is there a direction I should take? I just purchased a vitamix and I wondered if starting the day w/a green drink might be a good start? Any recommendations?

    1. i am so excited for you. i want one real bad. ok, you can make all sorts or smoothies. i will post a bunch for you soon. also yes on green drink. go to the vitamix website and you can there pick what u want to make and they will give u a recipe. congrats.

  7. Hi. I have recently started training for a 1/2 marathon. I just started running at the beginning of the new year. I can run 6 miles straight now. I also started Medifast and have lost 26lbs since January (started out at 201 lbs. and now weigh 175 lbs. 5'3"). My problem is I have become somewhat comfortable (why I do not know) with my 26 lb weight loss. The more I try to stick to the Medifast, the more I fail towards the end of the day. Is it possible that I am not eating enough?

  8. Michelle I run 3-4 times per week and average 4-6 miles when I do run. The days that I don't run or run a short time, i do Jillian Michaels workouts for 30-45min, but I still never feel like I am going to get the stomach that I want. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Please email me with more details.

  9. I think patience is really the key to long term successful weight loss. People who are impatient will get quick “temporary” results. they never get permanent results. :)

    1. John, thank you. You are so right. Never give up. Everyday is one step closer.

  10. I am in love with your website!!! I can't wait to start using all these great tips and workouts. I'm training for a 50k, (longest I've run was an 8k) but I have a lot of excess weight. My diet is horrible, but looking at this I know I can do it!! Thank you, I just have to think about my goal, I want to be fit, I want to be the healthiest version of myself, I don't want to be skinny I want to be fit!!!! :) thank you again I look forward to more :)

    1. Welcome to the team. I like where your head is at.

  11. I believe you have remarked some very interesting points , thanks for the post.Appreciation for great content. I’m certainly glad I had taken the time to learn this.

  12. Hi. love your blog.. I began to workout recently but selfmotivated, without an actual rutine.. just walking and jogging. I am very thankful I found your blog so now I can actual reach my goal. I´m 30 years old and last year was diagnose with Diabetes and that encourage me to get out of the coach and start doing something about it. Ive been walking around 20 min and jogging around 2.5 km in 3 min intervals of jogging and 1 min of walking.. which of your routines do you recomend me in orden to lower my sugar leves in my body.. very thankful for your time.

  13. I am so excited I found your site! I am getting married in 8 and half weeks, I'm going to do your 8 week bikini workout. I have lost 25 pounds since Jan., hope this will help me lose some more and tone my body. what else do you recommend? I still have 70 pounds to lose before my goal, and I do realize it doesn't happen overnight:)

    1. Congrats... A healthy diet and drinking water will be a big help too.

  14. What are some examples of good carbs to eat??

  15. Hi im 19 years old and i was wondering if there is any way you can help me get the best plan to lose about 15 pounds so i can actually wear a 2 piece bathing suit this summer without feeling self conscious(:

    1. Workouts my bikini body plan is great. Eating, stay away from chips, dips, juice, soda, sugar, eat salads, chicken, corn, whole wheat bread, broen rice, veggies and fruit.other meats lean beef and fish. Drink water, water, water... Drink green tea with organic lemon. You got this send me an after pic.

  16. Very glad I found your blog, ok I had gastric bypass 7yrs ago. Went from 291 to 140. Went through a divorce and then remarried last year. Since getting remarried I have gained up to 155. I try to stick to low carbs but can't seem to get that weight off. My husband and I have joined a gym. Mainly just walking around a track and riding the bike. Problem area is hips, butt and upper legs. Any suggestions?

    1. Start my bikini body 8 week program on my fitness page. For starters, dont go crazy on the low carb just make sure not to over do your carbs in onr sitting. Always have a protien when having carbs... It helps the carbs break down slower. start taking as many classes as u can at the gym. They are exciting and very motivating. Keep me posted. Hugs

  17. Hey Michelle I know that this says to stay away from sugar which I try and do diligently, but I like to drink coffee every so often and instead of sugar I use truvia and if truvia isn't available I use Splenda. Do I need to stay away from sugar substitutes as well as sugar?

    1. Raw sugar is ok in small amounts but for 4 days or more try to avoid as much sugar as possible. One tall coffee with a little sugar a day isnt too bad but dont use splinda or truva, stevia is better and wont be artificial.

  18. Michelle I'm so happy that I found your blog. There is a lot of wonderful advice on here! I wanted to get some advice. I am 5'7 170 lbs and want to loose at lease 20 lbs. I've been 150 before but in recent months have packed the weight back on. Most of it is in my butt and thighs. Plus I'm STILL working on my tummy fat due to a c-section I had 5 years ago. Please, please help me. I've been going back to the gym and I've been running and doing my weight training but I can't figure out how to loose this fat around my tummy. :-(
