Friday, September 30, 2011

Hot n Heavy


This workout is for Heavy lifting. Building your muscle definition and bulk. Choice a weight that is your max at 8-10 reps. Take a deep breath and GO!


Stand on a wobble board with your knees slightly bent and try to balance for 5 seconds. Next, lower your hips, keeping your back straight. If you can, lower enough to perform an actual squat and hold for another 5 seconds. Return to start and repeat. If balancing is too hard, try this move on a Bosu or foam pad first. Once your body is more stable, return to the wobble board.
Bonus: use weight in each hand
Start standing up, feet shoulder width feet apart, and shoulders relaxed and resting down. Hold the dumbbells at your side with your palms facing in.
Begin by stepping forward with one leg, be sure to keep this leg in alignment with the rest of your body. While lowering the weights towards the ground inhale.
Stop movement of the leg once your knee reaches a 90 degree angle. Hold lunge position for 5-10 seconds.
After reaching the extended position (point at which knee angle is 90 degrees) return to standing by exhaling, and pushing back and up with leg.
When finished with first leg be sure to switch legs and perform the same amount of reps on the other leg.

Lateral Leg Lift

With your hands on your hips and your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees to lower into a squat. Pause, then stand and lift your right leg out to the side as high as you can. Return to start. That's one rep. Repeat with the left leg, and continue alternating until you've done 12 to 15 reps on each side.

Bonus: use weights in each hands

Calf Raises

Stand with feet a few inches apart. Feet facing forward. Hold dumbbells in hands for extra weight if u want. Go up and down slowly 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, until you do 15 Mississippi's and then do 10 fast for burn.


swing kick
Stand with your feet hip-width apart facing a chair back with your elbows bent, hands in loose fists. With your right knee soft, swing your right leg up and over the chair (as shown), tap the floor, then swing your leg back to start. Repeat on the opposite side for 1 rep. Continue, quickly alternating legs, for 1 minute.

Step Ups w/Knee Raise

You will need a high-step. Place a 12-24 inch high-step in front of you. Step up w/left foot, bring right leg forward and up & bend your knee until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Lower right leg back to start, then do the left. Repeat with the other leg. That's 1 rep.


Lie with your legs straight out on the floor and your arms straight up in the air, fingers pointing toward the ceiling.
Contracting your abs, fold your body up by lifting your legs off the floor and stretching your arms toward your toes. Keep your back straight. Pause at your full extension, then return to the starting position.
Bonus: use weight in hands and ankle weight on

Dish Rocks
6 pack abs exercises
Begin laying flat on the floor with your arms stretched out straight over your head. Contract the abdominals and lift the upper body and legs off the floor. This is what we will call the dish position.
Holding this position rock the body forward and backward. Do not let the hands or feet touch the floor as you rock and be careful not to bend at the hips. Keep the body in a ‘dish’ position.
Rock back and forth 20-30 times, or for 30 seconds, then stop and hold the dish position for 30 seconds keeping the abdominals fully contracted.
Bonus: add ankle weights and hold weights in the hands.

Single Leg Bridging

Core Exercises - Single Leg Bridging
Begin this core exercise lying on your back in. Slowly lift your bottom pushing through your foot, until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. Tighten your bottom muscles (gluteals) as you do this. Hold for 2 seconds and then return to the starting position.
Bonus: use ankle weights

Side Plank

Begin by lying on your right side and push up so that your body is supported by right arm and your feet are stacked on top of each other.
Straighten your left arm, reaching for the stars and balance for a moment. (FIT TIP: If you lift your left leg in the air as well, you will be completing an advanced side plank!)
Sweep your left arm down, bringing your hand to your right hip, and twist your body, turning it towards the floor while keeping the rest of your body in place. Squeeze the abs and hold for 2 seconds, then repeat.

2 more times from top to bottom of this routine. GO FOR IT! I know you got it. Tell me how you did.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Goddess Level 2

Extreme team, You should have made it through two weeks of hard workouts from LEVEL 1 already. If so you are ready for LEVEL 2. You should bee feeling great about your body and the changes you are seeing already. I was thinking about how much of a Victoria Secret model exercise routine these are. Sleek, sexy, curves scream I am beautiful. Being comfortable in your own skin is important but then you must also love yourself as well. Nothing wrong with that!

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Steel Chest & Back

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EXTREME TEAM: Here we go! This workout routine can be done in two ways. First 8-10 reps, max weight or 1 minute for each exercise with lighter weight. This is your choice. I'm going for the 8-10 reps but on days I want to change it up, I push it through a minute each.

Alternating Push-up

In a push-up position, begin with your right hand on a dumbbell and your left hand on the ground.
Move your body down toward the ground, as in a regular push-up, and then return to the starting position. After completing one repetition, place your left hand on the dumbbell and remove your right hand, placing it on the ground to resume the starting position on the opposite side of the dumbbell. Again, perform a regular style push-up while keeping your left hand on the dumbbell. This is one rep. Repeat.

To perform a pull-up, hang on to any bar, doorway, tree branch, etc… with your arms straight and your palms facing away from you, and pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. That’s it.
Pull-ups can be performed on anything that allows you to hang with your arms straight and your knees not touching the floor.

Slider Push-up

You’ll need to be on a low-friction surface (carpet or hardwood floor works best). You’ll also need something that can slide easily across that surface – paper often works well but a towel on a hardwood floor works good too. Start off in a regular push up position with your hands underneath your shoulders but place the piece of paper under one of your hands. As you go down, slide the paper out so your hands are spread wide. As you push back up, slide the hand back underneath your shoulder.
Bent Over Row
Hold a pair of dumbbells, arms extended, using the underhand grip. Bend at the waist as if tying your shoes. Raise your head and chest to create a slight arch in the back. Bend your knees slightly.  Breathe slowly as you pull the dumbbells up in a fluid rowing motion through a count of 10 seconds, keeping your elbows close to your body. Hold and squeeze at the maximum tension point for 2 seconds.  Lower your arms back to the starting point through a count of 10. 

Lateral-to-Front Dumbbell Raise

woman doing lateral raiseLateral-to-Front dumbell raise

Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells at sides. Keeping elbows slightly bent, raise arms out to sides to shoulder level. Keeping arms raised, bring weights in front of body, arms extended. Follow the same path to return arms back to sides, then lower to start position.

POWER PEOPLE: Lets get moving 

RUN IN PLACE (one leg counts the reps)
RULES: 3 sets 15 reps then move on to the next exercise below.

Decline push-ups + elevated leg
DeclinePushupLeg2 6 minute sexy chest and arms workout
DeclinePushupLeg1 6 minute sexy chest and arms workout

Plank Rows

Place a pair of 5- to 10-pound dumbbells shoulder-width apart on a 12-inch-high step. Get in plank position with your hands on the dumbbells. In one motion, lift the right dumbbell until your elbow passes your torso and raise your left leg to hip height. Lower and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. That’s one rep.

Side Plank with Rear Fly

Grab a dumbbell with your right hand and lie on your left side, then prop yourself up on your left forearm and raise your hips so your body forms a straight line. Extend the weight in front of you at shoulder level. Slowly raise the weight toward the ceiling, keeping your arm straight and pulling your shoulder blades together. Return to start. That's one rep. Do reps, then switch sides.
Alternating Upright Row


Hold  dumbbells at arm’s length in front of your thighs, palms facing you. Pull the weights up to your chest. Hold one arm up there, lower the other arm until it’s straight, and row it back up. Repeat with the other arm. That’s one rep; do six to eight.

The Dive Bomber Push Up

The Dive Bomber Push Up- Targets the back, shoulders and abs. This is exercise is an advanced move. Try doing some yoga variations to work up to the Dive Bombers. I like to visualize myself going under a barbwire fence, and keeping my muscles relaxed.

POWER PEOPLE: Lets get moving 

RUN IN PLACE (one leg counts the reps)
RULES: 3 sets 15 reps then move on to the next exercise below.

Oh YEAH! That felt good. Ok, ready for round two? You bet you are! Now move it and then when you finish round two do it one more time!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Measuring Heart Rate


Measuring Heart RateYour heart rate can be taken at any spot on the body at which an artery is close to the surface and a pulse can be felt. The most common places to measure heart rate using the palpation method is at the wrist (radial artery) and the neck (carotid artery). Other places sometimes used are the elbow (brachial artery) and the groin (femoral artery). You should always use your fingers to take a pulse, not your thumb, particularly when recording someone else's pulse, as you can sometimes feel your own pulse through your thumb.

Manual Method

  • Measuring Heart RateCarotid Pulse (neck) - To take your heart rate at the neck, place your first two fingers on either side of the neck. Be careful not too press to hard, then count the number of beats for a minute.
  • Radial Pulse (wrist) - place your index and middle fingers together on the opposite wrist, about 1/2 inch on the inside of the joint, in line with the index finger. Once you find a pulse, count the number of beats you feel within a one minute period.
You can estimate the per minute rate by counting over 10 seconds and multiplying this figure by 6, or count over 15 seconds and multiply by 4, or over 30 seconds and doubling the result. There are obvious potential errors by using this shorthand method. If you have a heart rate monitor, this will usually give you an accurate reading.

Monitor Method

A heart rate monitor or ECG/EEG can be used to get a more accurate heart rate measurement. This is particularly important during exercise where the motion of exercise often makes it hard to get a clear measurement using the manual method. Using a heart rate monitor is also useful when you wish to record heart rate changes over short time periods, where the heart rate may be changing. Many heart rate monitors are able to record the heart rate values to be reviewed later or downloaded to a computer.

Many heart rate monitors require at least a little body perspiration between the chest strap and the skin for best conduction of the signal. Make sure that there is a good connection between the chest strap and your chest, and you can add some water or other fluid to increase the conductivity too.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sleek Legs

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Extreme team, I love it when my butt feels sore and I know that the magic of muscle growth is happening. This routine will do that for you. Tighten, tone and get rid of flab. A lifted tush... who can complain?

Single Legged Bridge

Lie on your back with your LEFT leg straight and RIGHT leg bent Your RIGHT foot should be flat on the floor with the RIGHT heel directly below the knee
Before you raise your body up, draw your belly button down towards your spine
While holding your belly in, push through your RIGHT heel to lift your hips off the floor Keep your thighs parallel when you reach the top of the movement
Both your RIGHT foot and knee should be pointing forward while you continue pushing through the heel
Check to see if your hip bones level, if not square them towards the ceiling Hold and repeat on the other leg
 Hold this bridge for 30 to 60 seconds at a time.

Pilates Exercises - Bicycle
Lie on your back and roll your hips up into shoulder stand position.
make sure that you are not too far up on your neck.

As each leg moves into its fullest extension, the left leg bends to come through toward the back wall, and the right leg makes a long arc up and overhead.
Basically, this is like pedaling in reverse. It makes the exercise harder and it makes you think a bit more too.

Do up to 10 sets of "reverse pedals". Then bring the legs together and use abdominal control to roll back down.

pilates clam exercise
Pilates Clam
(c)2010, Marguerite Ogle

Lie on your side with your hips and shoulders in a straight line.
Bend your knees so that your thighs are at a 90 degree angle to your body.
Rest your head on your top arm as it is stretched out overhead, or bent, whichever is more comfortable.
Make sure you neck is long so that your head is not tipped back or tucked forward.

Bend your top arm and place your hand on the floor in front of your chest for extra stability.
Stack your hips directly on top of each other vertically. Do the same with your shoulders. Use your deep abdominal muscles to keep this alignment throughout the exercise.
Keep your big toes together as you slowly rotate your leg in the hip socket so that the top knee opens. Open the knee only as far as you can go without disturbing the alignment of your hips.
Slowly bring your knee back to the start position.
Repeat the clam 5 times, then change sides.

Seated One-Legged Squat

seated one-legged squat

Sit on chair, with left foot on floor and right foot elevated. Pressing through left heel, lean body slightly forward and stand up, squeezing glutes. Sit down, keeping right foot lifted the entire time. Do 1 minute and switch legs; repeat.
Step-Up Plus Knee Lift
step-up plus knee lift

Stand beside chair, with legs about hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Step onto seat with right foot, then lift left knee toward chest. Step down with left foot, then right. Do 1 minute; switch sides and repeat.
Reverse lunge with front kick

15 Minute Workout: Lean Legs, Tight Tush

Keeping your abs tight, step back with your right foot and lower into a reverse lunge (a). Squeeze your glutes as you push down through your left heel and kick your right leg in front of you as you straighten your left leg (b). That's one rep. Do 1 minute continuous reps, then repeat on the other side, kicking your left leg.

Lateral leg lift

15 Minute Workout: Lean Legs, Tight Tush

With your hands on your hips and your feet hip-width apart, bend your knees to lower into a squat (a). Pause, then stand and lift your right leg out to the side as high as you can (b). Return to start. That's one rep. Repeat with the left leg, and continue alternating until you've done 1 minute.

PliƩ squat jump

15 Minute Workout: Lean Legs, Tight Tush

Stand with your legs about two feet apart, toes turned out, and hands on your hips. Rise onto your toes, bend your knees, and sit back, lowering yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor (a). Jump off the ground, bringing your feet to hip-width apart and landing softly on your toes (b). That's one rep. Continue quickly jumping your legs out and in for 1 minute. 

Cobra Leg Lift
Cobra Leg Lift
Lie face down with elbows by sides, hands by shoulders.
Rest forehead on floor, chin tucked slightly.
Inhale and lift chest using back muscles.
At the same time, lift right leg as high as you can while keeping pelvis level.
Hold, then exhale to lower.
Switch sides; repeat. Do 1 minute, alternating sides, lifting leg a little higher each time.

Butterfly Pose

Butterfly Pose A and B
Lie face up with soles of feet together, knees open to sides. Inhale.
Exhale and slowly squeeze thighs together. Do 1  minute of reps.

Extended Leg Pose

Extended Leg Pose A and B
Lie face up with knees bent, feet on floor; take 3 deep breaths.
Exhale and hug left knee to chest.
Inhaling, extend left leg over hip. Exhaling, hug it in. Do 3 reps.
On fourth rep, keep leg up and circle ankle four times in each direction.
Hug knee in; lower foot. Switch sides; repeat.
Exhale and hug both knees to chest for 3 breaths.

Cat-Cow Variation

Cat-Cow Variation A, B, C
Get your doctor's okay before starting these strengthening and conditioning exercises.
Reduces stiffness in back and hips; relieves tension in spine
Cow Pose: On hands and knees, inhale and lift head while making back concave.
Cat Pose: On exhale, tuck tailbone, contract abs, and round back, head down.
Child's Pose: Draw hips back to heels, drop chest, rounding spine, and rest forehead on floor, arms in front of you. Do 6 reps of whole cycle. Rest in Child's Pose for several breaths.

Beautiful! You did a full set. Now moved on from start to finish at least one more time. Ideally go through it 2 more times.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Goddess Ab Burn

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Print Friendly and PDFExtreme team, This is a tough routine but totally worth ever grown. ;) Each exercise lasts 1 minute. You can go as fast or as slow as you want. Slow is better due to the fact you are working on proper form and placement of your body. If you feel comfortable with slow go slow. Some exercises are meant to be done with speed and I have put that in the description. So put on your music and get going!

Side Plank with Twist

Begin by lying on your right side and push up so that your body is supported by right arm and your feet are stacked on top of each other.
Straighten your left arm, reaching for the stars and balance for a moment. (FIT TIP: If you lift your left leg in the air as well, you will be completing an advanced side plank!)
Sweep your left arm down, bringing your hand to your right hip, and twist your body, turning it towards the floor while keeping the rest of your body in place. Squeeze the abs and hold for 2 seconds, then repeat.

Leg Kicks

Sitting toe-touches- can be done in front of telly and gives abbes of steel as well as improving toe touches. Start sitting on the floor as if you are doing a crunch. However, lift your feet slightly off the ground as well. Keep your arms tucked near your chest. Next, bring your legs and arms out to the toe-touch position. Go back to the first position. This should be done quickly.

Bridge Pose (setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Variation


Lie flat, heels hip-width apart, knees over ankles, arms alongside your body on the floor. Raise your pelvis up as you draw your tailbone toward your heels and your inner thighs toward each other. Press arms into the floor to lift spine up, leaving your shoulders, heads and feet in contact with the floor.


Sit on a folded towel on floor with shoulder blades against a wall and knees bent, feet flat; make sure back is rounded. Place hands on floor near hips, fingertips pressed into floor.

Squeeze abs and lift feet off floor, bring knees toward chest, then straighten legs so toes point toward ceiling. Do 10 pulses: Bring legs 1 inch closer to wall, then move them back 1 inch. Make it easier: Keep left foot on floor and bring extended right leg toward you by grasping right calf with both hands. Hold for 30 seconds and switch legs.

Fly Up

Sit on a folded towel on floor, lean back to rest on elbows and place feet together on a wall in front of you so that knees are bent about 90 degrees.

Extend legs up, keeping feet against wall, then press rounded lower back into floor and squeeze abs as you lift arms to reach toward feet, elbows soft. Make it harder: Press feet into wall as you reach.

Do 20 pulses: Curl torso up 1 inch, then lower 1 inch.
Hugging knees to chest to rest between pulses.

Mountain Climbers
Assume a push-up position with your arms straight and your body in a straight line from your head to your ankles. Now raise your left knee toward your chest and place the balls of your feet on the floor—as if you were in a sprinter’s stance. Brace your abs and then quickly switch leg positions, so that you simultaneously kick your left leg back and bring your right leg forward. Alternate back and forth as fast as you can.
Box-and-Reach Drill
Begin in Vertical Leg Crunches starting position. Tighten abs, and reach over outside of right thigh with both arms. Return to center, then reach over outside of left thigh with both arms; repeat entire move, doing as many reps as you can in 1 minute.
Flutter Kicks
Begin in Box-and-Reach Drill starting position; lower legs until they’re about 1 foot above the mat and lower arms until they’re flat on the mat with palms facing down. Keep back flat on the mat and support sides of your body with arms as you move both legs simultaneously up and down in opposite directions (when one is up, the other is down); continue for 1 minute. Go directly to Modified Lower-Back Bends.
Modified Lower-Back Bends
Lie on your stomach with legs straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and the tops of your feet touching the mat. Your arms should be bent at the elbows, hands slightly higher than your shoulders, and palms on the mat. Flex your butt and lower back, and slowly raise your legs and arms about 6 inches off the mat; return to starting position and repeat. Continue doing the move for 1 minute.

Classic Jumping Jacks
Stand with your legs together and your arms down at your sides. Keeping your arms and legs straight, separate your legs about 3 feet and raise your hands above your head in one jumping motion. Return to starting position in one motion and repeat the move for 2 minutes.

Lie on your stomach with legs straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and the tops of your feet touching the mat. Your arms should be bent at the elbows, hands slightly higher than your shoulders, and palms on the mat. Flex your butt and lower back, and slowly raise your legs and arms about 6 inches off the mat; return to starting position and repeat. Continue doing the move for 1 minute.

Boat Pose (navasana), Variation

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Pressing your belly to the floor, lift your head, chest, shoulders and arms as you extend your legs. Press the inner edges of your feet together, spread your toes, and draw the outer edges of your feet back, to stabilize your legs. Raise your left arm overhead, while twisting your torso to the left. Reach across your body to the left with your right arm.

    Then untwist to the center and twist to the right, raising your right arm and reaching your left arm to the right. Return to center, and then bend the knees with feet on the floor, and relax back unwinding the spine one vertebra at a time.
    Bridge Pose (setu Bandha Sarvangasana), Variation 
    Lie flat, heels hip-width apart, knees over ankles, arms alongside your body on the floor. Raise your pelvis up as you draw your tailbone toward your heels and your inner thighs toward each other. Press arms into the floor to lift spine up, leaving your shoulders, heads and feet in contact with the floor.
    Lift your right foot off floor with the knee bent, drawing it toward your face. Straighten the right leg in the air. With the right foot, draw small circles clockwise and counter-clockwise. Replace your right foot next to your left one. Release your spine lowering one vertebra at time. Repeat with the other leg. Belly Crunch And Half Boat
    Lie down and cross your right ankle over your left knee. Wrap your hands behind the left knee and pull it toward your chest for thread the needle (aka reclining pigeon pose). Place your hands behind your head, elbows pointing away from each other.
    Leg Climb
    Lying flat on your back with legs straight, bend your left leg to your chest and raise it straight into the air. Hold the back of your thigh with your left hand. Activate your left leg,pushing forward with your thigh and pushing back with your hand. Press your grounded right leg into the floor, toes flexed. Now tighten the belly, lift the upper body, and try to climb up the leg, one hand over the other, without throwing the leg forward. It’s as if you’re climbing an imaginary ladder or rope. Climb until you’re sitting tall on the sit bones. Climb down and repeat with the other leg. Modification: You can bend the extended leg until you’re strong and supple enough to do it with the leg straight.
    Mermaid Pose
    Lie on your left side, arms stretched and extended overhead together, so that your body is one straight line. Rest your head on your left arm. Lift your legs in the air, and then raise your arms and torso as high you can. Engage your legs from the toes up and pull your stomach in.  Hold for five breaths relax and repeat for 30 seconds. Then repeat on the other side for 30 seconds.
    Now repeat this exercise routine 2 more times before ending with these stretches below.
    Enjoy these stretches and hold them for as long as you like. Great job getting through this workout. Next time you'll feel even stronger!

    Back Stretch

    Back Stretch (1)
    Back Stretch (1)
    Back Stretch (2)
    Back Stretch (2)
    Back Stretch (3)
    Back Stretch (3)

    Child’s Pose

    Child's Pose
    Child's Pose