Monday, April 30, 2012

  Steping Push-ups

Alternating Plyo Push-up (on knees and Bosu)

  • Kneel on mat facing Bosu with convex surface positioned upward.
  • With knees on floor or mat, place left hand on top of Bosu and right hand on floor slightly wider than shoulder width away.
  • Position upper body off off floor, facing downward with hips straight and arms extended.
  • Lower body until slight stretch is felt in shoulder or chest.
  • Immediately push body up rapidly. As right arm straightens forcefuly push body upward and to opposite side of Bosu. Land right hand on top of Bosu and left hand on floor slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Immediately repeat movement alternating between sides.

Chin Lifts

anti-aging facial exerciseanti-aging facial exercise

  • Lift your chin to create a taut line between your chin and the base of your neck. Keep your shoulders erect.
  • Press the surface of your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth. (Your tongue acts as the anchor when you press it against the roof of your mouth.)
  • Allow your teeth and lips to part slightly.
  • Hold the contraction for five (5) seconds.
  • Relax your face and bring your head to its level position.
  • Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your nose.
  • Repeat the remaining sets three times holding the contractions for ten (10) seconds each.
  • Breathe in deeply through your nose and exhale through your nose.

Knee Hug

  • Lying on the floor, curl up and bring your knees towards your forehead by pulling the legs with your hands.
  • Maintain the position for 10-20 seconds, relax.

Chest Dumbbell Exercises

Flat Chest Presses
Flat chest pressLying flat on bench, hold the dumbbells directly above chest, arms extended.Lower dumbbells to chest in a controlled manner.
Press dumbbells back to starting position and repeat.
Avoid locking elbows.

Flat Chest Flies
Flat chest flyLying flat on bench, hold dumbbells directly above chest. Bend elbows slightly and maintain throughout the exercise. Open arms to sides. Elbows should remain 'locked' in a slightly flexed position.
When upper arms are parallel to floor, return the weights to the starting position and repeat.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Ripped Abs with Cardio Level 2

Ripped Abs with Cardio. Nonstop workout built to make your abs burn.

Standing Russian Twist - 30 reps to Plyo Side Planks - 30 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

  • Grab a medicine ball and sit on the floor.
  • Lean back at a 45-degree angle, raise your legs and feet off the floor, and hold the ball with both hands in front of your chest, your arms straight.
  • Without dropping your legs or arms, rotate the ball and your torso as far as you can to the right.
  • Then reverse direction, rotating all the way to the left.
  • That's 1 repetition.
  • Repeat
  • Plyo Side Planks
  • Lie on your left side and prop your upper body up on your left forearm.
  • Raise your hips until your body forms a straight line from ankles to shoulders.
  • Lift your top leg and swing it forward and backwards using an even tempo. Your goals are to resist the momentum of your leg and to maintain a stable torso.
  • Do all your reps on one side and then repeat on the other side. That’s 1 set.
Plank V Jumps - 30 reps to Bird Dog Gets Down - 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

Plank V JumpsBird Dog Gets Down exercise
  • Begin in the plank pose and bend your knees, squatting down as if you're about to play leapfrog. This is the start position.
  • Hop both feet over to the right of your right hand, hop them back to the start position, and quickly hop them to the left of your left hand. Then hop back to the start position. That's 1 set.
  • Bounce as fast as you can, off the balls of your feet, for 30 reps 
  • Bird Dog Gets Down
  • Start on mat on all fours, then tuck toes under and press hips back and up as you step back to form an upside-down V; lift right leg behind you.
  • With right leg lifted, shift body forward to come into full push-up position, shoulders over wrists. Hold for one count; return to start.
  •  Do 20 reps; switch sides
Note: If this is too hard keep both feet on mat.

Plank V Jumps - 30 reps to Wood Choppers - 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

Medicine Ball Diagonal Chop

  • With a medicine ball in your hands, perform a jumping jack, lifting the ball straight overhead when your feet jump apart and bringing the ball straight out in front of you when your feet jump together.
  • Wood Choppers
  • Stand holding medicine ball with hands on each side of ball. Place feet wide apart pointing outward slightly. Bend knees slightly.
  • Raise ball to side of head with arms bent.
  • Bring ball downward diagonally around front of body to side of opposite hip by rotating torso and bending forward slightly while pulling ball across body.
  • Immediately return to original position in opposite path by rotating and bring torso back upright while pulling ball to side of head.
  • Repeat chops after finishing 20 reps switch sides and repeat.
Double-Leg Stretch - 10 reps to Sitting Oblique Twist- 20 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

  • Lie on your back. Bring your knees towards your chest and grab your shins.
  • Brace your abs. As you lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor, extend your legs.
  • Hover your legs hovering over the floor and straighten your arms over your head with your palms up.
  • Bring your knees back up to your chest and grab your legs again. That’s 1 rep.
  • Sitting Oblique Twist - 30 reps
  • Sit on the floor with your legs straight, and hold a medicine ball with both hands just above your lap.
  • Twist your torso to the right and place the ball behind you.
  • Then twist all the way to your left and pick the ball up and bring it back to the starting position.
  • That's 1 repetition.
  • Repeat
Toe Crunch - 30 reps to Reverse crunch - 30 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times

  • Grab a medicine ball, lie on your back, and raise your legs so they're straight and perpendicular to the floor.
  • Hold the ball above the top of your head with your arms straight.
  • Without moving your legs or bending your elbows, simultaneously lift your arms and torso until the ball touches your toes.
  • Lower yourself back to the starting position.
  • That's 1 repetition.
  • Repeat
  • Reverse crunch - 30 reps 
  • Lie on back, legs raised with knees bent 90 degrees.
  • Squeeze a sports ball (or folded towel) between knees and rest arms at sides.
  • Contract abs to curl hips off floor (as shown).
  • Slowly lower hips for one rep.
  • Repeat

Straight Jumps - 20 reps to Medicine Ball Situp - 30 reps
Repeat this routine 3 times


  • Stand with feet together. Bend knees so that buttocks are slightly lowered. Keep back straight and arms straight down.
  • Jump high up into the air, powering yourself up with arms. Land with knees bent and arms down and continue jumping.
  • Medicine Ball Situp - 30 reps
  • Grab a medicine ball with both hands and lie on your back on the floor.
  • Bend your knees 90 degrees, place your feet flat on the floor, and hold the medicine ball against your chest.
  • Now perform a classic situp by raising your torso into a sitting position.
  • Lower it back to the start.
  • That's 1 repetition.
  • Repeat

Ripped Abs & Cardio

Ripped Abs & Cardio
This routine is a nonstop abdominal workout created to build and sculpt your midsection.

Extreme Team,
I did this workout 3 sets worth and it killed. Feel free to lift heavy the first few sets and then the last one pump it out with lighter weight or no weight at all.
Your trainer,
Exercise 0 of 11

Standing Russian Twist - 30 reps
 Tools You Need                                                                                                                

Fit Test & Better Body Fix Workout

Extreme Team,

Your challenge is this fitness test for sure. This will show how much you have grown in your strength and how far you have come as the weeks go on. As always listen to your body and what you aren't able to do today write it down and you will later be strong enough to finish.

I am proud of you for taking this challenge on and can't wait to hear how you are doing!

Stay strong,
Michelle Freeman

Resting Heart Rate:
Resting heart rate is the number of beats in one minute while you are at a complete rest state. Your resting heart rate indicates your basic overall heart health and fitness level. The more conditioned your body is, the less effort it needs to make to pump blood thru your body.

The best time to take your resting Heart Rate is before getting out of bed.


Above Average66-6966-7067-7068-7168-7166-69
Below Average74-8175-8176-8277-8376-8174-79


Above Average70-7369-7270-7370-7369-7369-72
Below Average79-8477-8279-8478-8378-8377-84


Checking your pulse on the wrist

You can easily check your pulse on the inside of your wrist, below your thumb.
  • Gently place 2 fingers of your other hand on this artery.
  • Do not use your thumb, because it has its own pulse that you may feel.
  • Count the beats for 30 seconds, and then double the result to get the number of beats per minute.
Normal resting heart rates can range anywhere from 40 to 100 beats per minute. Below is a chart relating resting heart rate and fitness level. As can be seen on this chart, your resting heart rate can vary with your fitness level and with age — the fitter you are, generally the lower the resting heart rate. This is only a generalization, there are other factors which may account for variations in heart rate such as illness and stress.
Extreme Team Goal: 13- 20 minutes or less
I say run but you can jog, walk or sprint. It's totally up to you. If you walk it because you can't run that's ok just write it down and write down your time. As you get stronger we will see your time improve no matter if you are running or walking. Just make sure you are putting your best effort forward.
Note: (Warm up first by walking easy pace for 5 minutes.)

Extreme Team Goal: 40 for women & 80 for men

Take 2 seconds to lower your body until your upper arms dip below your elbows; pause for 1 second; then take 1 second to push your body up. This ensures that you'll perform the test identically each time you take it.

NOTE: If this is too hard on your toes drop down to your knees and make a note that you dropped to your knees.

Extreme Team Goal: 80 in 2 minutes
Without resting, do as many situps as you can, timing yourself from start to finish.
  • Lie on a carpeted or cushioned floor with your knees bent at approximately right angles, with feet flat on the ground. Your hands should be resting on your thighs.
  • Squeeze your stomach, push your back flat and raise high enough for your hands to slide along your thighs to touch the tops of your knees. Don't pull with you neck or head and keep your lower back on the floor.
  • Then return to the starting position. 
Extreme Team Goal: 12 or more
Without resting, do as many chinups as you can, timing yourself from start to finish. If you have to use a chair for your feet so as to help lift your body that's ok just make a note of that and next time see how many you can do without the chair.

Place a yardstick on the floor and put a foot-long piece of masking tape across the 15-inch mark. Sit down with your legs out in front of you and your heels at the edge of the tape, one on each side of the yardstick. Put one hand on top of the other and reach forward over the yardstick as far as you can by bending at your hips. The number your fingertips touch is your benchmark.

Percentile  18-2526-3536-4546-5556-65>65

 COMING SOON:( Be on the lookout for these new workouts) The will be posted very, very soon.) I wanted to put the fitness test out first so everyone can be ready for what is to come.

Pick from 3 Better Body Fixes:
  • Waving Arms & Back Fat Banisher
  • Bubble Butt & Thighs Solver
  • Double Chin and Chest fat Slimmer
  • Flat Abs in 15 minutes

Maximum Heart Rate:
A maximum heart rate (Max HR) is the highest number of beats your heart contracts during a one minute measurement. Max HR is a useful tool to measure training intensities and typically is used to measure or predict the level of exercise. It's always good to measure your Max HR while doing exercises to ensure you stay within a safe range or use it to measure if the exercise is actually working well enough to raise your heart rate to acceptable ranges and levels.

Measure Max Heart Rate:
AThe best method of determining your individual maximum heart rate is to be clinically tested and monitored on a treadmill. This is called a treadmill stress testing and is done by a cardiologist or certified physical therapist. Based on your age and physical condition, a formula is used to predict your Max HR. The other method is by using an age-predicted maximum heart rate formula:

WOMEN: 226 - your age = age-adjusted Max HR
MEN: 220 - your age = age-adjusted Max HR

Example: If you are a 30-year-old woman, your age-adjusted maximum heart rate is 226- 30 years = 196 bpm (beats per minute).
*note that this formula allows you to estimate your Max HR. Be sure to consult with your exercise trainer and doctors for the most effective rates that are customized to your health.

Fitness Target Zones: Heart Rates

Exercise LevelBenefitsIntensity Level
(Max HR %)
Light ExerciseHealthy Heart
50% - 60%
Weight LossBurn Fat & Calories60% - 70%
Base - AerobicIncrease stamina & endurance70% - 80%
ConditioningFitness conditioning, muscle building, and athletic training80% - 90%
Athletic - eliteAthletic training and endurance90% - 100%
Select which level represents your physical condition and then locate the Heart Rate Zones for your age from the Target Heart Rate Chart. For Example: if you want to burn fat to lose weight, select your favorite exercise and keep within 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, based on your age, for at least 30 minutes a day, 3 times a week.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

60 Days Workout Program - Coming Soon

60 Days Workout Program

You will transform your body in 60 days with the most effective workout program ever. Designed by Michelle M. Freeman Certified Personal Trainer. You will be MOTIVATED, pushed to SUCCEED to achieve a lean, mean, hard core body.

Included in your workout plan will be BONUS WORKOUTS! You can use it at the end of any exercise or when you feel you want an extra burn.

60-Day Total-Body Workout Program

Your personal trainer Michelle M. Freeman will push with her 10 workouts packed with cardio and plyometric drills with intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. Free weights are needed.

Who can do it?
Any fitness level can do these workouts. Michelle will guide you to the best you can be with extreme results in just 60 days.
Workout Plan:

  • Fit Test. Find your starting point in a 30+ minute workout.

10 Extreme Workout 30+ minute workouts:
  1. Plyometric Knockout Body Circuit. Burn fat with intense intervals focusing on of intense lower-body plyo and sweat-inducing cardio.
  2. Cardio Strip Fat Workout. Build a lean upper-body with strength and power moves.
  3. Slim and Trim stretch and strengthen. Michelle puts you through a healing and strengthening routine helping you to ready yourself for your next round of extreme workouts.
  4. Ripped Abs with Cardio. Nonstop workout built to make your abs burn.
  5. Metabolism Booster Cardio & Balance. Nice change of pace built to balance you body and create total body strength.
  6. Fit Test & Better Body Fix Workout. Combining your fitness test with a problem zone workout. It's extreme, mean, and just what you need.
  7. Level Up Interval Plyo. Feel the burn in your legs while experiencing the power of your body with these hardcore exercises.
  8. Ripped Abs with Cardio Level 2. Endurance workout made to burn fat and build your abdominal walls into 6 pack abs.
  9. Metabolism Booster Cardio & Balance Level 2. Give it a rest and build strength for another round with intense moves and stretches.
  10. Bonus Better Body Fixes Workout. Trouble zone workout designed for the most common areas we all need to work on.
Pick from 3 Better Body Fixes:
  • Waving Arms & Back Fat Banisher
  • Bubble Butt & Thighs Solver
  • Double Chin and Chest fat Slimmer.
Note: All other trouble zones including these as well are already hit on but these are the stubborn ones that we all feel need an extra push.

Easy Nutrition Plan:
Making food planning simple and designed to fuel your body for intense workouts.


In a few weeks or sooner!!! YES, yes, I want sooner too. :)

Bikini Body Extreme Team Members

I know you all are asking and wondering what to do next. I am building a workout program as we speak that should be totally up in full in just a little while. Until then you need to be getting your body ready and your cardio up to speed for these workouts. I encourage you all to do my "Power Exercise for Runners 3 Week Program."

This is another great way to tone up your abs. I never looked better then when I trained for my half and then full marathon. So join me in this next 3 week program of getting yourself conditioned to run long distances. You'll have cut abdominals in no time when you run.


60 Days Workout Program

You will transform your body in 60 days with the most effective workout program ever. Designed by Michelle M. Freeman Certified Personal Trainer. You will be MOTIVATED, pushed to SUCCEED to achieve a lean, mean, hard core body.
Included in your workout plan will be BONUS WORKOUTS! You can use it at the end of any exercise or when you feel you want an extra burn.

60-Day Total-Body Workout Program

Your personal trainer Michelle M. Freeman will push with her 10 workouts packed with cardio and plyometric drills with intervals of strength, power, resistance, and core training. Free weights are needed.

Who can do it?
Any fitness level can do these workouts. Michelle will guide you to the best you can be with extreme results in just 60 days.
Workout Plan:

  • Fit Test. Find your starting point in a 30+ minute workout.

10 Extreme Workout 30+ minute workouts:
  1. Plyometric Knockout Body Circuit. Burn fat with intense intervals focusing on of intense lower-body plyo and sweat-inducing cardio.
  2. Cardio Strip Fat Workout. Build a lean upper-body with strength and power moves.
  3. Slim and Trim stretch and strengthen. Michelle puts you through a healing and strengthening routine helping you to ready yourself for your next round of extreme workouts.
  4. Ripped Abs with Cardio. Nonstop workout built to make your abs burn.
  5. Metabolism Booster Cardio & Balance. Nice change of pace built to balance you body and create total body strength.
  6. Fit Test & Better Body Fix Workout. Combining your fitness test with a problem zone workout. It's extreme, mean, and just what you need.
  7. Level Up Interval Plyo. Feel the burn in your legs while experiencing the power of your body with these hardcore exercises.
  8. Ripped Abs with Cardio Level 2. Endurance workout made to burn fat and build your abdominal walls into 6 pack abs.
  9. Metabolism Booster Cardio & Balance Level 2. Give it a rest and build strength for another round with intense moves and stretches.
  10. Bonus Better Body Fixes Workout. Trouble zone workout designed for the most common areas we all need to work on.
Pick from 3 Better Body Fixes:
  • Waving Arms & Back Fat Banisher
  • Bubble Butt & Thighs Solver
  • Double Chin and Chest fat Slimmer.
Note: All other trouble zones including these as well are already hit on but these are the stubborn ones that we all feel need an extra push.

Easy Nutrition Plan:
Making food planning simple and designed to fuel your body for intense workouts.


In a few weeks or sooner!!! YES, yes, I want sooner too. :)


Get your beach body now, Get your dream body Challenges

You'll need: the outdoors, treadmill, or exercise trampoline for these workouts.


Day 1:
 Dive Bomber Push-up - 8-15 reps

Move from a Downward Dog position with wide hands and feet to an Upward Dog position (the exercise simulates going back and forth underneath a fence). To modify, do these on your knees. Do 8-15 reps

Push-up & Hold- 8 -15 reps then hold 30 sec
Get in plank position with hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Do 8-15 push ups and lower your chest until it's six inches from the floor. Hold 30 sec.
MOVE IT: You can do any one of these for cardio.
  • Outdoors Run
  • Treadmill
  • Trampoline
  • Quickly in Running Speed 30 seconds,
  • Quickly in Sprinting Speed 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for 3 sets

In-and-Out Lunge-15 reps each side

Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips. Lunge left leg forward diagonally toward left and lower hips until left thigh is parallel to ground. Press through left heel to stand and repeat with right leg, lunging diagonally toward right. Do diagonal lunges, alternating legs when finished with reps pull forward leg back to standing position.

Wall Squat- 2 minute hold
Stand with your head and back against a wall. Position your feet shoulder-width apart, about 18 inches from the wall, and keep your arms at your sides Lower your body into a squat position until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold 2 minutes

MOVE IT: You can do any one of these for cardio.
  • Outdoors Run
  • Treadmill
  • Trampoline
  • Quickly in Running Speed 30 seconds,
  • Quickly in Sprinting Speed 30 seconds.
  • Repeat for 3 sets
Day 2: Perform 2 doubles of pullups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of swings and sprints. Aim for 8 pullups and 20 swings. Day 3: Do 2 doubles of pushups and sprints. Rest 60 seconds; do 2 doubles of squats and sprints. Perform 12 pushups and 20 squats.

Day 3: Running (WRITE IT OUT FROM OLDER RUNS) Just put links to these days

Day 4: Running Challenges

Day 5: Running Challenges

A triple is an upper-body exercise followed immediately by a lower-body exercise and then chased with a sprint. For sprints, charge hard for 8 to 15 seconds and then return to the start. Do a total of 6 triples in each workout, resting 60 seconds between triples.

Day 1: Perform 20 squats followed by 12 pushups, and then sprint.

Day 2: Do 25 dumbbell swings followed by 12 clean and presses, and a sprint.

Day 3: Perform 25 reps of the front squat to push press, and a sprint. Then drop down for 20 pushups.

Day 4: Running Challenges

Day 5: Running Challenges

Week 4 Here are two of the Marine fitness challenges. Rest at least a day between them. Begin each session with the side bridge and plank (pushup position, but on your elbows). Hold each move for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat. Marine Challenge 1 Go for a quarter-mile run. This will be your sprint distance for your doubles. For your first double, do 15 reps of the clean and press, and then run. Next, do another double of 20 deadlifts followed by a run. Finish with a double of 25 squats, and then run. Try it again in a month, with the goal of beating your total time by at least 1 minute. Marine Challenge 2 Perform 20 dumbbell swings immediately followed by 20 pushups. That's a superset. Do as many supersets as you can in 20 minutes. Repeat the challenge after 4 weeks, and try to complete an additional superset. 1. Sandbag Squat Grab a heavy dumbbell (marines use sandbags) and stand holding it vertically, by one end, against your chest. With your elbows pointing down, bend at the hips and knees to lower your body until your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Return to the start. 2. Sandbag Deadlift Stand holding a heavy dumbbell (or sandbag) with both hands under the top of the weight and your arms hanging down in front of you. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. Next, lower your body until the weight touches the floor. Now stand up again. 3. Dumbbell Clean and Press From the starting position (A), dip your hips and explode upward, pulling the weights up. As the weights come close to your chest, dip under and "catch" them on top of your shoulders. Stand, press the weights overhead, and then reverse the move. 4. Dumbbell Swing Stand holding a dumbbell with both hands. Push your hips back and lower the weight between your legs until it's under your butt. Drive back up to a standing position and swing the weight up, keeping your arms straight. Return to the starting position. 5. Pullup Grab a chinup bar with an overhand grip (palms forward) and your hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Hang with your arms straight and pull your shoulder blades down. Pull yourself up, and then lower back to the starting position. 6. Front Squat to Push Press Stand holding a barbell across the front of your shoulders and bring your elbows forward. Push your hips back and then bend your knees to lower your body. Now quickly stand back up while pushing the bar above your head until your arms are fully extended. Lower the weight. That's 1 rep. 7. Pushup Assume the classic pushup position (legs straight, hands beneath your shoulders). Keeping your body rigid, bend your arms to lower yourself until your chest is just off the floor. Push back up until your arms are extended. 8. Side Bridge Lie on your side with your forearm on the floor under your shoulder and your feet stacked. Contract your glutes and abs. Push your hips off the floor, creating a straight line from ankle to shoulder and keeping your head in line with your spine. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Read more at Men's Health: Read more at Men's Health: Read more at Men's Health:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cardio Strip Fat Workout - One Legged Curl

 Cardio Strip Fat Workout

 Jillian Michaels one legged curl with dumbells

Exercise 11 of 11
 Tools You Need                                                                                                                

Cardio Strip Fat Workout - Single Leg Row

 Cardio Strip Fat Workout

 Advanced - Single-Leg Row

Exercise 9 of 11
One-Legged Curl - 20 reps
 Tools You Need                                                                                                                

Cardio Strip Fat Workout - Clap JACK

 Cardio Strip Fat Workout


Exercise 8 of 11
Single Leg Row 12 reps
 Tools You Need                                                                                                                

Cardio Strip Fat Workout

Cardio Strip Fat Workout. Build a lean upper-body with strength and power moves.

Clap Jacks - 20 reps

  • Start with your feet about hip-width apart, arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Clap your hands in front of your chest and jump just high enough to spread your feet wide.
  • Without pausing, quickly return to the starting position.
  • That's one rep; do 20 as quickly as you can with control.
Running Row - 10 reps

What you'll need: a pair of 3- to 5-pound dumbbells
Targets: Back, biceps, triceps, and quads

  • Holding a dumbbell in right hand, stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend right elbow behind you to bring dumbbell by ribs, and extend left arm forward, palms facing in.
  • Hinge forward from waist, bringing bent right knee toward chest to get into tuck position.
  • Quickly extend right leg behind you as you reach forward with right hand and swing left arm behind you. Return to tuck position.
  • Do 10 reps. Switch sides and repeat.
Walking Push-ups - 10 reps
  • From a pushup position, step your right hand out to the side to create a wide upper-body stance; follow with your left hand to return to a shoulder-width stance.
  • Continue this pattern to complete one full rotation leading with your right arm.
  • Then do one full rotation leading with your left arm.
Frog Hop - 20 reps

Targets: Shoulders, upper back, chest, triceps, abs, and legs

  • Start on ground on all fours, toes curled under.
  •  Lift knees an inch off ground in a slight tuck position and then bend elbows slightly.
  • Press through palms and feet to pop body into air a few inches.
  •  Land in slight tuck with elbows bent.
Note: If this is too hard you can start on knees in modified push-up position and pop up with upper body only.

Cobra - 10 reps

Cobra for lower back
Targets: lower back
  • Lie facedown on the floor with arms at sides, palms down.
  • Keeping abs and glutes tight, lift chest off floor and raise arms up and back toward hips, rotating thumbs up.
  • At the same time, lift legs about 3 inches off floor. Hold for 3 counts and lower back to starting position.
  • Repeat
Reverse Dunk - 15 reps

Targets: Triceps and abs
  • Lie faceup on floor with knees bent, heels on floor, holding medicine ball with both hands in front of chest, elbows bent by sides.
  • Slowly sit up, keeping abs engaged.
  • Sitting tall with back straight and shoulders relaxed, press ball overhead, then bend elbows 90 degrees so that ball is behind you.
  • Extend arms, then lower ball to chest and slowly return to start.
  • Repeat
Staggered Push-Up - 10 reps
Jillian Michaels staggered pushup
Targets: Shoulders, chest, triceps, and abs
  • Start on ground in full push-up position, balancing on hands and feet with arms extended, body forming a straight line from head to heels.
  • Place right hand at two o'clock position, left hand at eight o'clock; do 10 push-ups.
  • Next, place right hand at four o'clock, left at 10 o'clock; do 10 push-ups to complete 1 set.
Forearm Press - 10 reps

Targets: Shoulders, chest, lower back, triceps, and abs

  • Start on ground in plank position, balancing on forearms and feet, body forming a straight line.
  • Press through palms to straighten arms.
  • Repeat
Note: If this is too hard straighten left arm, then right.

Clap JACK- 20 reps

  • Start with your feet about hip-width apart, arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height.
  • Clap your hands in front of your chest and jump just high enough to spread your feet wide.
  • Without pausing, quickly return to the starting position.
  • That's one rep; do 20 as quickly as you can with control.
Single Leg Row 10 reps
Advanced - Single-Leg Row
Targets: Biceps, abs, butt, and legs
  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding a 5-pound dumbbell in each hand.
  • Bend forward from the hips. At the same time, lift right leg behind you, bringing it parallel to the floor, keeping foot flexed.
  • Remaining in that position, draw left elbow up to perform a row.
  • Repeat for a total of 10 times, then switch sides.
One-Legged Curl - 20 reps
Jillian Michaels one legged curl with dumbells

Targets: Biceps, abs, butt, and legs
  • Stand on left leg, holding a 5- to 10-pound dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides, palms facing forward.Lift extended left leg directly behind you and hinge forward at hips so that body is parallel to ground from head to left heel.
  • Maintaining one-legged position throughout, bring elbows to sides of ribs and then curl weights to shoulders.
  • Lower arms (extending them downward) and repeat.
  • Do 20 reps, then switch legs and repeat.