Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Ultimate Chest and Back Workout - Pumped Up Lv 2

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LEVEL 2 Watch for the REPEATS
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Kick it with this chest and back workout. You will know you worked hard when you finished this workout. Do your very best and take brakes when needed. Do as many reps as you can of these exercises.

WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.

TOOLS: dumbbell, band, chin-up bar, bench or chair

Write down your weights, reps, and sets. This way you can see your progress!
Remember: Do what you can and what you can't do try again next time to finish. You move at your own pace and make it work for you.
It's not how many brakes you take that destroys your workout it's giving up too early!

STRENGTH CIRCUIT 1Do as many reps as you can of these exercises without resting. For example, as many repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute and then repeat "CIRCUIT 1" again before move on to the second circuit.
  • Push-up with Switch Drill
  • Wide Front Pull-up
  • Military Push-up Walkout with Hop
  • Reverse Grip Chin-up
STRENGTH CIRCUIT 2Do as many reps as you can of these exercises without resting. For example, as many repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the second circuit rest 1 minute and then repeat "CIRCUIT 2" again before move on to the third circuit.
  • Plank Push-Up Rotation
  • Close Grip Overhand Pull-up
  • Decline Push-up
  • Row
STRENGTH CIRCUIT 3Do as many reps as you can of these exercises without resting. For example, as many repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the third circuit rest 1 minute and then repeat "CIRCUIT 3" again. You will repeat all ciruits 1 more time without ciruits repeats without brakes
  • Diamond Push-up
  • Lawnmower Row
  • Dive Bomber Push-up
  • Seated Back Fly
Push-up with Switch Drill

Do 8 push-ups on your toes. Next, still in push-up position, bring your left foot in toward your hands about 18 inches without letting hips raise. Keeping abs tight and back stable, switch the left and right foot 20 times in quick succession. Return to push-up position and repeat.

Wide Front Pull-up

Grasp Chin-up bar using wide grip ( a few inches wider than shoulder width). Pull body up until chin clears bar, and lower body back down. Be sure arms are fully extended at bottom position. If necessary, modify with one foot on chair.

Band Move: Stand or sit and hold a band in both hands above your head. Hands are a bit wider than shoulder-width. Sit up straight and keep the abs engaged. Keeping the left hand stable, contract the lat muscles on the right side to pull the elbow down towards the ribcage. Return to start and repeat.

Military Push-up Walkout with Hop
Stand with arms above head. Slowly walk your arms down your body and to the ground. Once hands are placed on ground walk them all the way out until your body forms a straight like. Place hands directly beneath shoulders. Keep arms and elbows tight against sides, perform standard push-up movement. Then walk your arms back up to your feet and stand up. Jump to the side about a foot and Repeat.

Reverse Grip Chin-up

Grasp bar with palms facing body. Pull up until chin clears bar. Lower arms to full extension and repeat. if necessary, modify with one foot on chair.

Band Move: Stand or sit and hold a band in both hands above your head. Hands are a bit wider than shoulder-width. Sit up straight and keep the abs engaged. Keeping the left hand stable, contract the lat muscles on the right side to pull the elbow down towards the ribcage. Return to start and repeat.

Repeat once more Push-up with Switch Drill, Wide Front Pull-up, Military Push-up Walkout with Hop, and Reverse Grip Chin-up.
STRENGTH CIRCUIT 2Plank Push-Up Rotation
Begin in a full push-up position, abs pulled in and hands in line with shoulders, forming a straight line from head to heels. Do one push-up. At the top of the push-up, rotate your body to the left, balancing on right hand and outer edge of right foot as you extend left hand toward sky. keep your abs engaged to help you balance, then slowly lift left leg an inch or more; hold for 2 counts. Return to starting position, do one push up and rotate right doing the same as you did on the left. Repeat.

Close Grip Overhand Pull-up

Palms out, narrow grip. Preform standard pull-up motion. If necessary, modify with one foot on chair.

Band Move: Stand or sit and hold a band in both hands above your head. Hands are shoulder-width. Sit up straight and keep the abs engaged. Keeping the left hand stable, contract the lat muscles on the right side to pull the elbow down towards the ribcage. Return to start and repeat.
Decline Push-up
Do a normal push-up but with feet elevated on a chair, step or bench.

With one foot forward and bent knees bend at the waist, keeping back flat. Lift weights from forward foot up to waist, keeping elbows close to sides.
Band Move: Shorten band by twisting in small loop. Then step on center with front foot. Preform same movement as above.

Diamond Push-up
From push-up position, bring hands together so thumbs and index fingers touch. align hands directly below heart. Elbows will flare out during push-up.

Lawnmower Row
Side lunge, rest elbow on knee, pull weight from floor to waist. Repeat on other side.

Band Move: Stagger feet on band with wide leg stance and pull from handle in same motion as above.

Dive Bomber Push-up
Move from a Downward Dog position with wide hands and feet to an Upward Dog position (the exercise simulates going back and forth underneath a fence).

To modify, do these on your knees.

Seated Back Fly

Seated at edge of chair, lower rib cage onto upper thigh, reaching behind heels. Keep wrists inward, elbows out, and pull weight up towards ceiling. Pinch the shoulder blades together at top of movement.

Band Move: Shorten band by twisting in small loop. While seated, straddle band at center with both feet. Raise handles in a crisscross motion to perform same movement as above.

Repeat once more Diamond Push-up, Lawnmower Row, Dive Bomber Push-up, and Seated Back Fly.

BONUS ROUND: Once you did all the once more repeats in all these exercises start from the top of all exercises all the way through without repeats.

Reach down deep and found your inner warrior!!

Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOL DOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cool down before hitting the showers.