Burpee with divebomber push-up. Instead of just doing a full push-up, make it a dive bomber push-up.
Burpee+Pull-up. Stand underneath a pull-up bar or tree branch that is high enough that you have to leap to reach it. Perform a burpee normally, but when you leap up grab the bar and perform a pull-up. Repeat. Did you hear that? That was the sound of your soul dying.
The Coach Chamlee Burpee. I hated these. As mentioned above, my offensive line coach would use the specter of burpee punishment as motivation to keep us from slacking off. When Coach Chamlee said to get our feet moving, we had to “chop” our feet in place as fast as we could. When he said “hit,” we’d hit the ground and perform a burpee. Between each rep, we continued rapidly chopping our feet. I’m tired just thinking about it.
Control your form and lift your knees to your elbows.
Focus on contracting and squeezing your abs.
Lower your knees back to the starting position and repeat.
Do 10 repetitions.
Note - If you don't have access to an overhead bar, substitute this exercise with 10 crunches instead.
This concludes your great womens fitness workout.
Do this workout 3 times a week for the next 4 weeks and you'll notice a significant increase in muscle definition and firmness.
Burpee Workouts
Because they’re such an intense exercise, you can make a quick and effective workout using just burpees. Below are a few suggested burpee workouts that will whip your flabby butt into shape.Descending Burpee Ladder. Start with a set of 10 burpees. Rest one minutes. Then do a set of 9. Rest one minute. Continue lowering your reps by one on each set until you reach just one rep.
100 Burpee Challenge. Pretty simple. Just do one set of 100 burpees as fast as you can. I can usually do the first 20 in a minute or so. After that I hit a wall, and it takes me about 15 minutes to finish the rest as I lay on the ground to rest between reps. Take as long as you need until you hit the 100 burpee mark.
2 Minute Drill. Set your stop watch and crank out as many burpees as you can in two minutes.
Burpee Ladder with Sprints. So you’ve been doing burpees for a bit and feel like you’re in good shape. Try this little ditty to take your burpetitude to the next level. Perform the burpee ladder as described above, except instead of resting a minute between sets, perform a 50 yard sprint. I tried this a few months ago thinking I was in good shape only to barf after the second set. You know a workout is good when it’s barf good.
Do not view the 30-second shadow boxing interval as an opportunity to rest. You should throw hard punches for the duration of the 30-second interval. The purpose of this drill is to train the body to respond when fatigued.
After a few rounds of Burpee Intervals, your body will be begging for a chance to collapse and rest. Fight through your exhaustion by throwing effective punches with proper technique.
Burpee Intervals
Burpee Intervals are one of the best conditioning drills. These intervals consist of Burpees and shadow boxing. For example, you will perform...
- Burpees x 30 seconds
- Shadow box x 30 seconds
- Continue for 2 - 3 minutes
You will begin with 30 seconds of Burpees, and immediately follow with 30 seconds of shadow boxing. Continue this pattern for a full 2 or 3-minute round. You will then rest 1 minute (or 30 seconds) between each round.
You can wear a wristwatch to monitor time. You can also determine the number of Burpees that you can perform per 30 seconds. For example, if you perform 15 Burpees in 30 seconds and throw 100 punches in 30 seconds, you will not need to keep track of time. Counting repetitions may be helpful if you train alone.
Beginner Program
- 4 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds
Intermediate Program(s)
- 6 x 2-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds
- 4 x 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds
Advanced Program
- 6 x 3-minute rounds with 1 minute of rest between rounds
Master's Program
- 6 x 3-minute rounds with 30 seconds of rest between rounds
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