Saturday, June 11, 2011

Double Dog Dare

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This workout is high intensity. Keep moving and take few brakes. You'll burn, you'll sweet and best of all you'll feel AMAZING knowing you finished this workout!

You can also do this workout with my "Bikini Body 8 Week Program."
WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.

TOOLS: free weights
Don't chicken out and use a weight!


Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute repeat circuit 1 one more time before moving on to circuit 2.
  • Jump Squats 20 reps
  • Walking Lunges 36 reps
  • Wide Calf Raise Squat 12 reps
  • Cursy Squats 24 reps

Jump Squats 20 reps
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Do a regular squat with 3 pulse up and down moves. Then jump up as explosively. When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Repeat

Walking Lunges 36 reps
Stand with dumbbells grasped to sides. Step forward with first leg. Land on heel then forefoot. Lower body by flexing knee and hip of front leg until knee of rear leg is almost in contact with floor. Stand on forward leg with assistance of rear leg. Lunge forward with opposite leg. Repeat by alternating lunge with opposite legs.

Wide Calf Raise Squat 12 reps
Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Turn your toes outward, but in alignment with your knees. Shift your weight to your heels and maintain an upright position. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Repeat

Cursy Squats 24 reps
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Step your right leg behind your left as if you are about to curtsy. Bend both knees to curtsy while keeping your chest up. Step to the side and step your left leg behind your right. Ben both knees to curtsy and repeat.

Rest 1 minute and REPEAT Jump Squats, Walking Lunges, Wide Calf Raise Squat, and Cursy Squats once more.


Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 1 minute repeat circuit 2 one more time before moving on to DOUBLE DOG DARE.

  • Squat Hold with 15 second switch
  • Skater Lunge 12 reps
  • One Legged Deadlift 20 reps
Squat Hold with 15 second switch
Squat down to above parellel and hold for 15 seconds. Then squat down till thighs are below parellel and hold 15 seconds. Repeat one more time.

Skater Lunge 12 reps
Stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge left leg out to side, keeping right leg straight. With back flat, hinge forward from hips, reaching left toes. Step to the side and repeat on the right leg. Keep repeating left and right until you can't do anymore.

One Legged Deadlift 20 reps
Stand on one leg, on the same side that you hold a weight. Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff legged deadlift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance. Continue lowering the weight until you are parallel to the ground, and then return to the upright position.

Rest 1 minute and REPEAT Squat Hold with 15 second switch, Skater Lunge, and One Legged Deadlift once more.

Double dog dare you! Once you have finished the last repeat I dare you to try this workout all the way through again!  This time without the repeats.

Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOLDOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cooldown before hitting the showers.



  1. Again, fantastic workout! I had time for the one repeat per set, but not the overall repeat at the end. However, my reps are better:
    Jump Squats: 20, 1 repeat
    Walking Lunges: 30, 1 repeat
    Wide Calf Raise Squat: 12, 1 repeat
    Curtsy Squats: 12, 1 repeat
    Squat Hold: done!
    Skater Lunge: 12, 1 repeat
    One-legged Deadlift: 20, 1 repeat

  2. Thanks!

    I've made my way through this one three times, doing your # of reps while holding 5 pound weights! Wow! We'll see if I can manage to double up :)

  3. You're very welcome. Glad you are here to enjoy them.
