Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 minute Total Body Workout - Rock My World

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I did this whole workout through 3 times and let me tell you it was challenging but it felt good to finish. So hang in there when doing this workout..Take brakes as you need them but no longer than 30 seconds.

WARM-UP: Make sure to do your WARM-UP it's a big part of your workout. GO HERE if you haven't done it yet.

TOOLS: dumbbells

Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 30 second to 1 minute and move on to the second circuit.

  • Jumping Jacks 10 reps
  • Skater Lunges 10 reps (one side counts)
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 30 second to 1 minute and move on to the third circuit.

  • Oblique Twist with Leg Extension (10 reps each sides)
  • Diagonal Press (10 reps each side)
  • Squat Thrusts (10 reps each side)
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the first circuit rest 30 second to 1 minute and move on to the four circuit.

  • Power Jacks (10 reps, hold 10 counts, 5 reps)
  • Side Lunge with Jump to Skater Lunge 10 reps (one side counts)
Perform one set of each exercise without resting. For example, you’ll do the prescribed number of repetitions of the first exercise, and immediately do the second exercise and so on. Once you have finished going through the forth circuit rest 30 second to 1 minute and move on to do all circuits without repeats one more time. TAKE BRAKES AS YOU NEED.

  • Crazy Girl Sit ups: 10 reps
  • Pulse Ups: 10 reps

Jumping Jacks 10 reps

Skater Lunges 10 reps (one side counts)
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms at sides. Lunge right leg diagonally behind body while touching right hand toward left foot. Staying low, switch hands and feet; repeat moving quickly from side to side.
Do Jumping Jacks and Skater Lunges back to back 2 sets.

Oblique Twist with Leg Extension (10 reps each sides)
Lie on right side, knees slightly bent and legs stacked in front of body; hold dumbbells in front of chest. Lift weights across body toward left side while extending left leg. Crunch up for 2 counts, then return to start, lowering leg. Do 10 reps; switch sides.

Diagonal Press (10 reps each side)
Stand with feet hip width apart, arms at sides, holding a weight in both hands. Squat down, lowering weight along outside of left thigh to knee level; keep hips facing forward and back straight. Stand up, moving weight across body and above right shoulder as you rotate torso. Return to center and repeat for 15 to 30 seconds on right side; switch sides and repeat.

Squat Thrusts (10 reps each side)
From full push-up position, jump feet forward, landing outside hands. Jump up to hands, placing more weight on your upper body then legs. Jump legs back to full push-up position. Repeat.
Do Oblique Twist with Leg Extension, Diagonal Press and Squat Thrusts back to back 2 sets.

Power Jacks (10 reps, hold 10 counts, 5 reps)
Stand with feet hip width apart. Squat down, keeping shoulders down and chest up. Jump legs out wider than shoulder width, then back together, standing in semi-squat position with chest up and hips down. continue jumping in and down for 10 reps, then hold where your feet land for 10 seconds. Repeat jumping/holding for 5 reps.

Side Lunge with Jump to Skater Lunge 10 reps (one side counts)
Hold a dumbbell in both hands, arms extended overhead. Lift right knee to hip height. Take a giant step and lunge right, bending knee 90 degrees (keep left leg straight); lower weight toward foot. Next, lift right knee from of you, then swing leg back in a skater lunge, sweeping weight diagonally across body. Return and repeat
Do Power Jack and Side Lunge with Jump to Skater Lunge back to back 2 sets.


Crazy Girl Sit ups: 10 reps
Lay on your back with your knees bend and feet on ground. Do a full side up to standing. Lower down and return to start and repeat.

Pulse Ups: 10 reps
Laying on the ground with your feet reaching up towards the side. Keeping your legs straight left your legs up to the sky and your bottom of the ground. Lower down and repeat.
Do Power Jack and Side Lunge with Jump to Skater Lunge back to back 2 sets.

Go through this whole workout as it is written 2 more times for a full set of 3 times through.

Great job!! Alright don't forget the COOL DOWN! This is an important part of your workout. Click HERE to cool down before hitting the showers.


  1. I'd love a video for this workout!!

  2. Hi Michelle!
    I am on week three of the Bikini body program and am loving it so far!

    Is there any way to have pictures of these exercises? I've been looking up a lot of them on other sites, but I can't find some of them, and having them would be a big help for form.

  3. yeah i am in need of a video or pictures also, these are confusing me haha. but i know you're busy. Ive been doing the 8 week bikini body prgram and love it sof ar! thank you :]

  4. these workouts really are great and give me something i look forward to combined with daily cardio!

    I just want to suggest to others feeling they need videos, I have found that just searching via youtube for anything that I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around or need assistance in ensuring proper form, works every time. Michelle tells you what to do and every once in a while for the time being some random person on YouTube shows me HOW to do it hehe.

  5. Could you post a pic of the Side Lunge with Jump to Skater Lunge? I just can't seem to get it! :) And, on the Crazy Girl Sit Ups, do you cross you feet when you're standing up? That's the only way I can seem to get up! Thanks!

  6. I did this workout this morning since I am done with my early morning class now :D Just wondering what could make it more challenging without doing more reps?

    1. Heavy weight and placing some active rest or jogging in between exercises or sets.

  7. I have been doing your workouts for the past two and a half weeks and am enjoying them very much. Thanks for taking the time to share your expertise. I agree that pictures of many of these exercises would be quite helpful. I did try googling and youtube, but the results don't always seem to match your description. Also, on this workout and the ab toner workout, the directions in the top part (as far as how many times to complete the circuits) don't always match the directions below (where you describe the exercises), which ends up leaving me a bit confused! Thanks again, and please keep sharing.
