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I want to give this workout a try so I'm sharing it with you so you too can try it. Have FUN!!
| - This is a weight lifting classic that really works the entire upper body, especially for the shoulders.
- Grasp dumbbells; palms facing body, elbows flexed.
- Raise dumbbells by extending elbows; abduct and internally rotate shoulders to straight arm position.
- Lower to original position and repeat.
| - Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing your body) lift the weights out and up to the sides until they are right about level with your chin and hold them for a count of one.
- Lower them slowly back down to your sides.
- Fit Tip: Do not lean and swing the weights up or lean your torso forward and bring the dumbbells down in front of your body - let the weights down to your sides instead.
| - Lie on your stomach, either on floor, or on the bench as shown here.
- Start in a neutral position then bring up your upper body and your legs as high as you can, squeezing your back area.
| - This is an excellent move for the entire upper body, but especially the triceps!
- If you can't perform them on your toes, then do them on your knees and work your way to your toes. Place your hands close together. Perform pushups, squeezing at the top of the movement.
- If it's hard for you to execute this move with your hands really super close, keep them further apart and build up to closer!
| - Stand with your feet together, toes pointed straight forward and a dumbbell in each hand.
- Step forward with your right foot and bend at the knees as you lower your hips until your left knee is just a few inches off the floor.
- Push with your right leg as you raise yourself back up to your starting point.
- Repeat until you have completed the amount of reps you planned on and then do the same with your left leg.
- Fit Tip: Don't lift your foot up or point your toes in/out - keep your feet firmly planted on the floor straight forward.
| - Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing toward your legs.
- Bend forward at your hips and slowly lower the dumbbells in front of you until the weights touch the floor.
- Keep your back straight and raise your upper body and weights to the starting position.
- Fit Tip: Don't hunch over and keep your back fairly rigid throughout this exercise.
| - Start by holding a dumbbell in each hand and stand shoulder width apart.
- Turn your toes out so that your feet form a 45-degree angle.
- Keeping your legs straight, raise up on your toes as high as possible, pause for a count of one and slowly lower to the starting position.
- Fit Tip: It is best to do this exercise on a solid surface like a hardwood or concrete floor, not carpet.
| - Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and your hands beside your head.
- Let your legs fall as far as they can to your left side so that your upper body is flat on the floor and your lower body is on its side.
- Press your lower back down into the floor while you roll your upper body slightly up until your shoulder blades reach the ground.
- Concentrate on your obliques; contract and hold the crunch for a count of one. Hold the contraction and slowly lower to the starting position, count one and perform the next rep.
- Switch to the other side after you completed your planned number of reps.
- Fit Tip: Don't lock your hands behind your head.
| - Gently sit on your exercise ball and walk your legs forward to roll back onto the ball and once you stabilize your self, put your hands behind your head, keeping your spine in neutral alignment with your chin towards the sky.
- Exhale as you crunch up and inhale as you release back down.
- This is great for targeting your entire ab area.
» Learn more: Ball Crunch » View the video
| - Lie flat on your back on your mat with your hands under your hips, palms down for support.
- Lift your head up slightly off the floor and lift your legs off the floor while you bend them at your knees, pulling your thighs up towards your chest slowly.
- With your knees approaching your chest, contract your abs and slightly lift your pelvis off the floor.
- Slowly straighten your legs and bring them back down towards the floor but don't let them rest on the floor.
- Hold them in that extended position for a count of one and then bring them back up.
- Fit Tip: Don't lift your head up too far or let your lower back arch.
| - Lie down on the ground with your hands underneath your bottom and lift both your legs up to about 90 degrees and lift your legs upwards.
Source:AngeliqueMillis |
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