Tuesday, January 31, 2012

7 x 400 mile pace

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If you want to race at a fast pace, you need to train at a fast pace several days a week. Interval training where you alternate fast running with jogging or walking is a very effective form of speedwork.

This is part of my 3 WEEK RUNNING PROGRAM!

Run the 400 meters at about the pace you would run in a mile. Walk or jog between each repeat 7 times. Although the best venue for speedwork of this sort is on a 400-meter track, these workouts can be done on the road or on trails, either by using measured courses or by running hard approximately the length of time you would run a 400 on the track. For instance, if you normally run 400s in 90 seconds, do fast reps at that length of time and don't worry about distance.

3.5 mile run & Stretching Exercise

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This is a beautiful day of running. I enjoy days like today. This is a part of my 3 WEEK RUNNING PROGRAM.

If you can't carry on a conversation with your training partner, you're running too fast. For those who use heart monitors to measure their level of exertion, you would be running between 65 to 75 percent of maximum. In other words, run easy. If you want to run with others, be cautious that they don't push you to run faster than planned.

FINISH WITH The 10 Best Poses for Runners
By Paige Greenfield

Spend 15 to 20 minutes on these poses after a run when muscles are warm, or practice them on your off days. Even better: Take at least one weekly yoga class for a deep, total-body stretch.

Wall Dog

1. Stand facing a wall, about an arm’s distance away, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on wall at shoulder height, fingertips pointing upward.
2. Take a few steps back and bend at waist until spine is parallel with the floor.
3. Stretch hips away from wall, lift lower belly in and back.
4. Lengthen lower back, keeping pelvis stable. Stretch crown of head forward. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Stretches: Shoulders, hamstrings, calves, lats, lower back, sacrum, hips
Strengthens: Core, spinal muscles, shoulder joints

Hamstring Stretch

1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, bend arms behind you and take hold of forearms or elbows.
2. Step right foot back 2 to 3 feet and turn right foot in 60 degrees to square hips.
3. Keeping hips stable, lengthen through spine, and draw low belly in.
4. Bend forward from hips as far as you can, while keeping legs and spine straight. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
5. Repeat on opposite side.

Stretches: Hamstrings, shoulders, forearms
Strengthens: Legs, core, back

Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend

1. Stand with legs spread about 4 feet apart, feet parallel, toes pointing slightly inward, hands on hips.
2. Keeping hips stable, lift spine up, draw low belly in, and lengthen lower back.
3. Bend forward from the hips, bring fingertips or palms to the floor.
4. Push into the floor with your hands, lift the chest and draw shoulders onto back, keeping spine long and legs active. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Stretches: Abductors, hamstrings, calves, lower back, sacrum, Achilles tendons, ankles, inner thighs
Strengthens: Core, legs, ankles

Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend with Twist

1. From Wide Leg Standing Forward Bend, walk both hands toward the right leg, keeping equal weight on both feet and hips even on one plane.
2. Gently twist from left side of belly toward the right. For a deeper stretch, place right palm flat on low back. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
3. Place right hand on floor, untwist, walk fingers back to center.
4. Repeat on opposite side.

Stretches: Outer hips, oblique, shoulders, intercostals
Strengthens: Hip stabilizers, core muscles


1. Kneel on the floor.
2. Bring right foot forward and bend right knee to 90 degrees so shin and thigh are perpendicular and thigh is parallel with floor.
3. Keeping hips stable, lift spine up, and draw low belly in.
4. Stretch torso forward until it rests on right thigh. Place hands on floor on either sides of right foot.
5. Slide left knee back until leg is straight and turn left toes under. Press ball of left foot into the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
6. Repeat on opposite side.

Stretches: Psoas, calves, Achilles tendons
Strengthens: Back, legs

Front Thigh Stretch

1. Kneel on a blanket or mat and then sit on the heels with toes tucked under.
2. Place hands on the floor about 6 inches behind your glutes, fingertips facing toward your body. Draw low belly in, and slide tailbone forward toward heels.
3. Press shins and hands into the floor, and lift buttocks several inches off of the heels. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Stretches: Front thigh, groin, knees, back
Strengthens: Hamstrings

Bound Angle Pose

1. Sitting on the floor, bring soles of the feet together and bring the heels as close to your groin as you can while keeping the spine straight.
2. Press the soles of the feet together to allow thighs to descend toward the floor. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. If you have trouble keeping the spine straight, sit on a folded blanket.

Stretches: Inner thighs, pelvic region, hips, shins
Strengthens: Hips

Diamond Pose with Toes Tucked Under

1. Begin on hands and knees on a blanket or mat with knees and feet slightly apart, shins parallel with each other.
2. Turn toes under so balls of feet rest on floor. Sit on heels with knees resting on the floor. Place hands on tops of thighs. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Stretches: Soles of feet, toes, ankles
Strengthens: Ankles, feet

Diamond Pose with Cow-Face Pose Arms

1. Begin on all fours on a blanket or mat with knees and feet slightly apart, shins parallel with each other.
2. Sit back on heels with the tops of the feet touching the floor.
3. Extend right arm out to the side in line with shoulder, thumb pointing down.
4. Bend right elbow, take right arm behind the back, touch the spine with the back of right hand, fingertips pointing toward neck.
5. Extend left arm straight up to the ceiling. Turn hand so palm faces wall behind you.
6. Bend left elbow and reach left fingers to touch right fingers. Use a shirt or towel if fingers don’t touch. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.

Stretches: Ankles, shoulders, knees shins, arms, chest
Strengthens: Spine

Full Body Relaxation with Conscious Breathing

Lay on back with a folded towel under the head and neck. Bend knees and let the back of the torso release into the floor. Place hands on ribs. Focus on feeling the breath move in and out of the lungs. After about 2 minutes or 20 breaths, stretch arms out to the sides, palms face up, and relax the neck and shoulders. Extend legs one at a time and relax torso and lower back. Stay here for 5 to 10 minutes.

Conscious breathing expands lung capacity. Also, slowing the breathing relaxes the central nervous system.

source: http://yoga.prevention.com/slideshows/slideshows/The_10_Best_Poses_for_Runners.php

Monday, January 30, 2012

Ashley's ABS

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OK! ASHLEY'S ABS! Who wouldn't want tight abs? Get on my running program and the weight loss and muscle you build from running will help you see your abs. This workout program is FUN, DIFFERENT and EXCITING to do.

I went through the exercise routine 2 times and did only 20 reps each. You can go through it as many times as your abs will allow or you have time for. It can be done everyday as long as your back doesn't hurt.

Teaser with ball

Lie faceup with arms extended on ground behind head and legs straight, ankles on ball. Pull in abs, bring arms in front of you until parallel with legs and roll torso up in four counts until torso forms a V with legs (as shown). Lower to start. Do 20 reps.

Plank Oblique

Step 1

Plank Oblique - Cardio Exercise - Step 1
Begin in a modified push up position with your elbows on the floor.

Step 2

Plank Oblique - Cardio Exercise - Step 2
Without lifting your hips, tuck your left knee up towards your left shoulder, keeping your left foot off the floor as you do so.


Step 3

Plank Oblique - Cardio Exercise - Step 3
Return your left leg to its original position and alternate between legs.

Leg Lifts

  • Lie on the floor, legs straight out, hands at your sides.
  • Lift your legs straight up (not bending your knees at all) until they're at a ninety degree angle (or close).
  • Lower your legs and repeat without letting your legs touch the floor.

Stability Ball Back Extension

Lie facedown on a large stability ball so it supports your pelvis. Keep the balls of your feet on the floor and rest your hands at your sides. Next, tighten your glutes and gently lift your chest. Hold for 3 seconds, then lower back to start. If this is too easy, clasp your hands behind your head for more of a challenge.

Swan Dive

Pilates - swan dive

1. Lie on your stomach, legs straight, with your palms pressed into the mat underneath your shoulders. Squeeze your legs together and rest the tops of your feet on the mat. Inhale and draw your belly button up towards your spine. Straighten your arms, pressing away from the floor.

2. Keep lifting your chest and stretch your neck long, your head rising to the ceiling (do not drop your head back towards your shoulder blades. Exhale and bend your arms, lowering yourself back to the mat. Keep your legs straight, tighten your glutes and the backs of your legs and lift both legs up. Lower to start position.

3. Keep your neck in line with your spine and reach your arms forward, hovering them over the floor. Lift your legs, keeping them straight. Rock forward onto your sternum or chest, lifting your legs, then rock backward, lifting your upper body. Rock back and forth for three to six counts, inhaling as you rock forward, exhaling as you rock backward.

4. Sit back on your heels with your forehead on the mat to stretch your back and rest. 

Mermaid/Side BendsMermaid/side bends
 Note: Skip this exercise if you have carpal tunnel or other problems with your wrists.

1. Sit on the floor on your right hip with your knees slightly bent, left leg resting on your right leg. Place your right palm on the mat underneath your right shoulder, arm straight.

2. Lift your left hip towards the ceiling as you come off the floor, supporting your body with your right arm. Your legs should be straight, the inside of the left foot resting on the inside of the right foot. Your body should be aligned from head to toe.

3. Turn your head toward the ceiling and stretch your left arm down the left side of your body. Inhale deeply and lift your left arm up towards the ceiling then over until it rests on your ear. Reach as far from your shoulder as possible, turning your head towards the mat. Return arm to your side and lower the hips.

4. Repeat three to six times then switch sides.

Tip: If you have trouble balancing your body, stagger your feet, one positioned in front of the other.

3 mile run + strength training 2

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3 mile run + strength training this is part of my 3 WEEK RUNNING PROGRAM

I start my morning off with a 3 mile run that doesn't take me more than 30 minutes but if it takes you longer that's fine. Then I add in strength training that is great for keeping me strong for my runs.

Do the all 3 sets of exercises below before doing the 30 second exercises I have posted at the bottom of this routine. I did 3 sets of 15 reps. The 15th being the last I could do.

Plank Walkup to Pushup
Start to get into a pushup position, but bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms instead of your hands. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Now brace your core by contracting your abs as if you’re about to be punched in the gut. Without allowing your body posture to change, place your left hand on the floor, then your right hand. Then push your body into the “up” position of a pushup. Lower back down into a pushup. Then one at a time, place each elbow on the floor again. That’s one rep. Alternate which palm you place on the floor first.

Superman Banana

superman-banana(works back, abs, butt)

A. Lie on your stomach with arms straight out in front of you and legs extended behind you; both should be shoulder-width apart. Lift your legs and arms simultaneously at least 6 inches off the floor; hold for 5 seconds (shown above).

B. Roll onto your back, keeping arms and legs lifted; hold 5 seconds (shown below). Then roll onto your stomach and repeat, rolling in the opposite direction. Continue 1 minute. Then do 1 minute of side-to-side leaps.

Trainer tip: EVEN THOUGH NOT SHOWN IN THE PICTURE keep your neck relaxed and lower back on the floor as you roll.

Lat Pulldown with Band

BACK  Lat Pull Down


Grasp the band overhead with your elbows straight. Pull your arms downward, keeping your elbows straight. Stop at shoulder level. Hold& slowly return

TIP: Keep your abdomen tight and avoid leaning over.


Bent-Over Row


Standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent, hold a pair of dumbbells so your palms are facing each other and bend forward from the hips, as shown. Pull your shoulder blades together and row the weights toward your chest. Return to start. That's one rep.


This next part is One hand swing and single leg bicep curl is done 3 sets of 15 reps back to back.

Kettlebell workout – Swing yourself fit!
One hand swing
Reps: 30 seconds
Single arm swing
Grab a kettlebell with your right hand, letting the bell hang in front of you. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and swing the bell between your legs and behind your hips. Immediatley stand up and swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height while pushing your hips forward and contracting your gluteals. Once the kettlebell is at the top of the move, grab the handle with the left hand and, when your grip is secure, let go with the right hand. Drop back to the starting position and continue to alternate hands with each rep.

Single-leg bicep curl
Reps: 30 seconds
Single leg bicep curl
Balance on one leg with your supporting knee slightly bent and your core tight. Place two hands on the ball part of the kettlebell and hold the bell so your arms are straight down, palms facing forwards. Squeezing the kettlebell, curl it up by slowly bending your elbows. When your elbows are fully bent, slowly reverse the motion to complete one rep.
Kettlebell workout – Swing yourself fit! By slhaf | April 15, 2011
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

3 mile run + strength training

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3 mile run + strength training

I start my morning off with a 3 mile run that doesn't take me more than 30 minutes but if it takes you longer that's fine. Then I add in strength training that is great for keeping me strong for my runs.

Do the all 3 sets of exercises below before doing the 30 second exercises I have posted at the bottom of this routine. I did 3 sets of 15 reps. The 15th being the last I could do.

Push-Up Side Plank

A. Get in low push-up position with hands under your chest and a little wider than shoulder-width apart (inset). Keeping your body straight and core tight, press up, extending your arms (don’t lock your elbows).

B. Transfer your weight onto your left hand, lifting your right arm toward the ceiling (shown below). Lower down, and repeat on the opposite side; that’s 1 rep. Do 12 reps. Then do 1 minute of side-to-side leaps.

Superman Banana

superman-banana(works back, abs, butt)

A. Lie on your stomach with arms straight out in front of you and legs extended behind you; both should be shoulder-width apart. Lift your legs and arms simultaneously at least 6 inches off the floor; hold for 5 seconds (shown above).

B. Roll onto your back, keeping arms and legs lifted; hold 5 seconds (shown below). Then roll onto your stomach and repeat, rolling in the opposite direction. Continue 1 minute. Then do 1 minute of side-to-side leaps.

Trainer tip: EVEN THOUGH NOT SHOWN IN THE PICTURE keep your neck relaxed and lower back on the floor as you roll.

Bent-Over Row


Standing with your feet hip-width apart and knees bent, hold a pair of dumbbells so your palms are facing each other and bend forward from the hips, as shown. Pull your shoulder blades together and row the weights toward your chest. Return to start. That's one rep.


This next part is One hand swing and single leg bicep curl is done 3 sets of 15 reps back to back.

Kettlebell workout – Swing yourself fit!
One hand swing
Reps: 30 seconds
Single arm swing
Grab a kettlebell with your right hand, letting the bell hang in front of you. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor and swing the bell between your legs and behind your hips. Immediatley stand up and swing the kettlebell up to shoulder height while pushing your hips forward and contracting your gluteals. Once the kettlebell is at the top of the move, grab the handle with the left hand and, when your grip is secure, let go with the right hand. Drop back to the starting position and continue to alternate hands with each rep.

Single-leg bicep curl
Reps: 30 seconds
Single leg bicep curl
Balance on one leg with your supporting knee slightly bent and your core tight. Place two hands on the ball part of the kettlebell and hold the bell so your arms are straight down, palms facing forwards. Squeezing the kettlebell, curl it up by slowly bending your elbows. When your elbows are fully bent, slowly reverse the motion to complete one rep.
Kettlebell workout – Swing yourself fit! By slhaf | April 15, 2011

35 min Tempo Run

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Print Friendly and PDF35 min tempo run. I do a light warm up at the beginning and then stretch a little before running.

TEMPO: A tempo run is a continuous run with a buildup in the middle to near race pace. A tempo run of 30 to 40 minutes would begin with 10-15 minutes easy running, build to 10-20 minutes near the middle, then 5-10 minutes easy toward the end. The pace buildup should be gradual, not sudden, with peak speed coming about two-thirds into the workout and only for a few minutes. You can do tempo runs almost anywhere: on the road, on trails or even on a track.

WARM-UP & STRETCH: Also important as part of the warm-up is stretching. Don't overlook it--particularly on days when you plan to run fast.

I own these running shoes and think they are amazing! They are light weight and so good for your feet.

30 min tempo run + strength training

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30 min tempo run + strength training. This is part of my 3 WEEK RUNNING PROGRAM.

A tempo run is a continuous run with a buildup in the middle to near race pace. The pace buildup should be gradual, not sudden, with peak speed coming about two-thirds into the workout and only for a few minutes. You can do tempo runs almost anywhere: on the road, on trails or even on a track.
Start your day with 30 minute run when you finish that start your strength training routine.
I did 3 sets of 15 reps. So I picked lighter weight but at the 15th rep I felt it was the last one I could do. When I finished all of this I did a good bit of stretching.

Single-Leg Squat


The benefit: Allows you to train your lower body without weights. And in fact, it's one of the best exercises you can do. Master this movement and you'll improve your strength, speed, and balance.

How to do it: Stand on a bench or box that's about knee height. Hold your arms straight out in front of you and flex your right ankle so that your toes are higher than your heel. Balancing on your left foot, bend your left knee and slowly lower your body until your right heel lightly touches the floor. Pause, then push yourself up. If that's too hard, note where you start to "collapse" (you can't control how fast you descend), and pause just above that point for 2 seconds. Then push yourself back up and repeat.


Stand with a bench about 3 feet behind you and hold a pair of dumbbells down at your sides. Place one foot on the bench so the top of the foot faces the floor. Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until the thigh of the front leg is parallel to the floor, then press yourself back up to the starting position. Do six to eight repetitions per leg.

Single-Leg Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift


Using an overhand grip, hold a pair of dumbbells at arm's length next to your sides. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Raise your right foot off the floor and, without changing the bend in your left knee, bend at your hips and lower your torso until it's almost parallel to the floor. Pause, and return to the starting position. Do all your reps, switch legs, and repeat.

Inner Thigh Crunch with Ball
First, lay on your back, place a stability ball between the ankles and raise the stability ball so that it is in line with the hips in order to form a ninety-degree angle with the body. Throughout the exercise, keep the stability ball from moving by squeezing the ball with the ankles throughout the entire exercise. While continuing to squeeze the ball, perform a crunch motion by placing the hands behind the head and lifting the torso off the ground. Remember that not only proper breathing but also maintaining good form are important aspects of this exercise. Good form is exhaling while lifting the upper torso, shoulders and head off the ground and inhaling on the way back down. Keep in mind, the need to constantly squeeze the ball while performing the crunches.

High-knee run
High-knee run
Stand tall and run in place as fast as you can. Drive through the balls of your feet and try to bring your heels up under your backside so that your knees go high. Keep your hands relaxed, elbows bent, and shoulders down, and swing your arms back and forth.

Reverse lunge and swing

Reverse lunge and swing
Hold a dumbbell in front of your chest. Lunge back with your right leg as you rotate to your right and swing the dumbbell to your right hip. Then push back to a standing position as you swing the dumbbell to eye level. Repeat to the left. That's 1 rep.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Update your look for less!

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Sculpting your body into a piece of art is a beautiful thing but feeling confident, gorgeous and or handsome while doing it can be hard, until now. Check out my web site for the lastest in trendy fitness fashion, chic every every day wear, classy evening wear and so much more.
I will continue to add more as I go so what you will see is just a start of the fashion madness that I am creating for all you SEXY and HOT EXTREME FITNESS PEOPLE!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Power Exercises for Runners 3 Week Program

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Power Exercises for Runners
3 week Program

This is another great way to tone up your abs. I never looked better then when I trained for my half and then full marathon. So join me in this next 3 week program of getting yourself conditioned to run long distances. You'll have cut abdominals in no time when you run.

Week 1 Get Started
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Day 5 Rest

Week 2 Get POWER
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Day 2 3.5-mile-run-stretching-exercise 
Day 5 Rest

Week 3 Get Ripped
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Day 1 Get Your Best Body EVER Level 2
Day 3 Rest or run